video games

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Woman Lets Loose a Shrill Banshee Wail That'd Shatter Windows in Her Terrified Response to Virtual Reality Zombies


Creative Kid Sketches Overwatch Character and Blizzard Artists Finish the Job in Triumphant Fashion

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Amputee Gamer Gets Prosthetic Arm Inspired by Metal Gear Solid With Charger, Drone, and Interactive Screen

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But Probably Video Games Tho

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Committed Halo 5 Fan Builds 6,000-Piece LEGO Rocket Launcher Replica That Might Be the Best Build We've Ever Seen

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Shhh the Little Babe's Sleeping

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Grandpa Goes on a Glorious Virtual Rampage and Almost Hits His Entire Family IRL


Russia Just Monumentally Failed, and Tried to Pass off a Screenshot From Command & Conquer as a Legit Picture of Chemical Weapons Trucks

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Some Savior Re-Edited the Assassin's Creed Movie Trailer With the Game's Official Soundtrack, and It's Epic

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Real Life Wizard Crafts Amazing Dark Souls 3 PS4 out of Polished Rosewood and Brushed Aluminum


People Are Dressing up and Slaying Produce With Flaming Swords Like Real Life Fruit Ninjas


Indispensable How-To Right Here


Dad Buys His Daughter Nintendo DS Console, Only to Discover It's Loaded With Explicit Material

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Donkey Kong in Real Life Might Be the Best Thing You Watch Today

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Halo 5 Takes on Quidditch for One of the Most Magical Videos You'll See on the Internet Today


That Moment When You Realize You Are the Real Life Version of Chun-Li From Street Fighter V