
video game

Hacked IRL: Tanuki Suit!

hacked irl nerdgasm nintendo Super Mario bros video game - 5277775104
Created by cheezburga100

If You Remember Watching this Guy and Not Playing Him, You were the Youngest

Hall of Fame mario nerdgasm nintendo Parenting Fail sibling rivalry Super Mario bros video game - 5329214464

Parking Sign WIN

8 bit nerdgasm parking sign space invaders video game - 5312286976

PokeMother Nature FTW: Pikachu Sunrise

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CLASSIC: Emergency WIN

case duck hunt emergency nerdgasm NES nintendo video game - 5255788800
Created by maxystone

Lego Game Boy WIN

DIY gameboy lego modification nerdgasm video game - 5266341888
Created by ThisIsAMeme

Are You there God? It's Me, Pikachu

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Pumpkin-omb WIN

carving mario nerdgasm pumpkins Super Mario bros video game - 5273931264
Via reddit

Hyrulian Flash Drive WIN

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Via Geeks are Sexy

Pac-Light WIN

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Created by maxystone

Nice Crib Here, Mind if I Explode it?

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Bored at Work WIN

Office office supplies plant video game - 5185693696

Link to the Graffiti WIN

graffiti link nerdgasm nintendo Street Art video game zelda - 5208052224
Created by J
art drawing nerdgasm salt time lapse Video video game zelda - 26426881

Salt Art WIN

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mario nerdgasm nintendo Super Mario bros Video video game - 25777665

Luigi in Tetris WIN

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geeky mario nerdgasm nintendo roomba super mario Video video game - 26092289

Roomba WIN

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