

'He's your son, not mine': Woman adds veggies to every meal to prevent roommate's kid from eating it, roommate responds ‘we need food’

'He's your son, not mine': Woman adds veggies to every meal to prevent roommate's kid from eating it, roommate responds ‘we need food’

Living with roommates is such a dice roll… are you gonna land on a good number or are you gonna lose the game? This woman was renting a house with a single mother and her son. She stated she didn't actually mind living with the pair, as they didn't interact much due to colliding work schedules, but over time, things got ugly anyway. The single mother was struggling financially, but the woman telling the story said that she didn't make a good salary either… so it's not a Robin Hood story. The wo…
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karen karens cashier service industry food restaurant airport airline airports tsa vegetables veggie mold moldy karma

'Ma'am, you are consuming mold': Karmic airport Karen dismisses a food kiosk employee, ends up eating a plate of moldy food despite multiple warnings

Anyone who has worked in the food industry knows that a lot can go wrong with your meal. Between food deliveries, kitchen mishaps, and server errors, it's a miracle that any customer gets food that's uncontaminated by shenaniganry, but the Karen in our next story got the short end of the stick when it came to health and safety guidelines.
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'It calls for sage, not sausage': 20 Bakers who got inventive with their recipe substitutions

'It calls for sage, not sausage': 20 Bakers who got too inventive with their recipe substitutions and ruined their own meals

Have you ever wanted to bake a carrot cake , but you don't have any carrots on hand? One person replied to a carrot cake recipe writing that she'd given kale a try instead. Do you want to guess the results? I'll tell you: it did not taste good. Recipe substitutions are understandable. Sometimes you're halfway through the dish, and you realize that eggs or olive oil aren't in your house. You went to the store, and the ingredients just slipped your mind. And now, you're covered in flour and the o…
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reddit reddit-story reddit-thread petty revenge petty-revenge pro-revenge vegetables veggie-tray veggies grocery store line-cutter cutting-in-line queue deserves payback getting-even

'I love vegetables': Grocery shopper gets even with a couple who cut her in line at the deli by hijacking their veggie tray days later as revenge

In some cultures, waiting your turn in line is sacred. The unspoken rules of waiting in line are generally understood by the populous and thus, the balance and order in society is maintained– until some rabble-rousing rebels come swooping in with their own agenda on their mind, cutting straight to the front like they don't even notice the queue of people who respectfully waited.
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'He called their bluff': Avocado farmer teams up with corporate attorney wife after electrical line ignites his crops

'He called their bluff': Avocado farmer teams up with corporate attorney wife after electrical line ignites his crops

This farmer may have lost his avocado farm , but he didn't give up. U/SomeoneYouDontKnow70 shared this tale of their brother in law's excellent way of getting what he deserved after losing his livelihood. Farming is one of the most difficult jobs out there, whether you're raising cattle or growing crops. As a farmer, you have to be dedicated to your crops year round, like this guy, who grew avocados in California. Unfortunately for him, nature decided to mess with his harvest. It seems like a f…
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'AITA for hiding vegetables in my boyfriend's food?': Woman hides veggies in her picky-eater BF's food for six months before he notices

'AITA for hiding vegetables in my boyfriend's food?': Woman hides veggies in her picky-eater BF's food for six months before he notices

No one can agree who was right or wrong in this couple's fight about vegetables . It's not easy being a picky eater. It's one thing to be picky as a child, when your parents can attempt to make you eat a variety of foods. But it's another to be so picky that even as an adult, you're still struggling to eat healthily. As a picky eater myself, I hate not knowing what's in my food, especially to discover foods like cucumber or olive in the dish. But if someone blended up those foods and served the…
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funny suggestive vegetables

Suggestive-Looking Vegetables From The Dirty World of Produce

What's the deal with carrots?
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video psa home garden vegetables that grow fast

Eight Fastest Growing Vegetables To Grow At Home

Just the kind of positivity the world needs.
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Twitter users describe the fruits and veggies that they think they could throw the furthest | tweet by will WillWells95 Replying BaileyCarlin Celery Root should not be slept on

Fruits And Veggies People Could Throw The Farthest

People are getting into this.
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vegetables news climate change FAIL morons broccoli ridiculous Video stupid politics - 99897345

Man Uses Platform To Roleplay A Vegetable Instead Of Discussing Climate Change

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vegetable art

Viral Conversation Spawns Too Many Vegetable Artist Memes

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forbidden snacks inedible things that look tasty

25 Delicious Looking Objects That Are Definitely Not Food

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askreddit stories about parents using reverse psychology on their kids

27 Times Parents Bested Their Kids with Reverse Psychology

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things that look like food

25+ Things That Look like Delicious Food but Are Not

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Watch This Ungrateful Son Who Just Loves Visual Puns Prank His Unsuspecting Mother

son pranks mom with leek in the sink
Via Viral Videos
Music Video vegetables - 82734337

This Orchestra Literally Plays With Their Food

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