
work-story antiwork workplace-stories fired toxic-workplace work i quit workplace unemployment employment - 19759365

'Is she being duped?': Boss tries to trick coworker into resigning to avoid paying unemployment [UPDATE]

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'And they think $7.25 an hour is a living wage': Local Florida restaurant hypocritically roasts people who take 'government handouts', while blatantly advertising their toxic work culture

funniest unemployment memes

A Resume of Funny Memes for the Unemployed and Self-Deprecating

What a comparison! Do you guys think s***posting can get better than this?

LinkedIn User Makes Idiotic Comparison Between His Arranged Marriage and His Unemployment

Messages from crazy manager firing the entire staff and making them interview if they want their job back. Local dive bar drama blowing up today.

'Everyone is terminated:' New manager at local dive bar fires literally everyone and makes them re-interview.

Funniest Work Memes for All the Nine to Five Warriors Out There Getting Punched in the Face by the New Inflation Rate

Funniest Work Memes for All the Nine to Five Warriors Out There Getting Punched in the Face by the New Inflation Rate

Twitter Thread of a Boss Giving "11 Promises from a Manager" Sparks Discussion on TikTok

Twitter Thread of a Boss Giving "11 Promises from a Manager" Sparks Discussion on TikTok

strange, funny and bad reasons people were fired

Dumb, Absurd and Just Wild Reasons People Got Fired From Their Job

TikToker uses Smash or Pass trend to say recruiters use LinkedIn to hire attractive people

TikToker Uses the Viral "Smash or Pass" Trend Jokingly As a Job Recruiter and Sparks Debate in the Comments

Viral reddit debates on how to get a raise or get fired.

"I Have Finally Put My Foot Down": Reddit User Shares List of Demands to Boss and Sparks Debate

people who got fired fast

Coworkers Who Got Fired At Record Speed

unemployment PBS Mitt Romney election 2012 Image - 6640160768

Next Thing You Know, He'll Be Living in a Trashcan

monday thru friday unemployment - 8282253312

And You Thought Keeping a List of the Job's You'd Applied For Was a Hassle

monday thru friday radio jokes unemployment - 8201378816

Seven Days a Week

unemployment - 6610157824

If We Weren't Underwater, You'd Have a Sick Burn Right Now!

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What Harm Could They Possibly Do?