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'Me? $53,000 a year with $70K in student debt': Mom torn between pride and lament when her teacher's salary proves to be <50% of what her teenage son makes as a tradesman

After 12 years of experience, as well as an expensive Master's degree that resulted in $50k in student debt, the original poster of this story could hardly boast about her teaching salary at $25/hour.
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childcare daycare babysitter job kids unrealistic work underpaid nanny babysitting screenshots family funny parents wild - 25451781

Nanny shares the wildest job offers she's received from parents: 'That's $4.50 an hour per family... no thank you!'

Being a nanny can be a rewarding job, but as with any job, there are always some wild offers that come your way. This nanny in particular has had her fair share of crazy job offers she's received from parents, and they are sure to leave you scratching your head. One offer she received was from a family who wanted her to work 60 hours a week for $30k/year, and another family that tried to lower her rate from $22/hour to $4.50/hour. And the best one yet: a family offered to pay her...
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workplace discussion tips workplace-stories jobs job barista customers tipping underpaid tip jar coffee employment in the workplace - 25225989

'It's a symptom of a wider problem but it's still theft': Barista secretly adds tip on card reader after customer declines receipt, customer conflicted

Tipping culture has become a topic of discussion lately, as a lot of companies now offer tipping options on their card readers, even if they did not previously participate in tipping. Tipping used to be reserved for workers such as servers, but now it seems like any corporation can request a tip. Some customers find it ridiculous, while others participate in tipping because they sympathize with the low wages many people in the service industry face. However, what if an employee added a tip to y…
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40 Customer Service Memes for Overworked Employees on a Budget

40 Customer Service Memes for Overworked Employees on a Budget

Those working in customer service know what it feels like to work a lot for a little.
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work workplace lawsuit underpaid minimum-wage wage wages mechanic pay salary sue lawyer employment employee boss karen bad-boss karens bosses win reddit overtime osha

War-Veteran Mechanic Wins a $400,000 Settlement After Calling His Dirtbag Ex-Boss's Bluff

Not many of us have the financial luxury to sue anybody. Even if we have a case of a hostile workplace or cut wages or unpaid overtime, usually the cost of a lawyer is enough to dissuade us from pursuing justice. Unfortunately, this is how a lot of blue-collar and minimum-wage employees are exploited time and time again... But there are stories of fabled heroes standing up for the little man, where justice prevails and dirtbag bosses get exactly what they deserve.
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Laugh Along to These Memes Instead of Your Boss’s Orders

Laugh Along to These Memes Instead of Your Boss’s Orders

Haha, boss, you're so funny!
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'Two can play that game...': Overworked hotel employee gets even with upper management following their refusal to accommodate his medical condition

'Two can play that game...': Overworked hotel employee gets even with upper management following their refusal to accommodate his medical condition

The business world is cruel. They take great pride in their well-known motto, which emphasizes the value of family and how they treat their staff as one large, happy family. But when the chips are down, who gets pushed aside first? Yes, exactly. Think about that for a moment. The story that follows is from a dissatisfied hotel employee. At the time of the incident, OP had been managing multiple duties. He drove the shuttle for one of the airline crews and was responsible for loading and unloadi…
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‘You can’t do this': Manager cuts 3 hours out of senior employee's wages after employee's 13.5-hour shift ‘didn’t meet his standards', then backpedals when employee turns to HR

‘You can’t do this': Manager cuts 3 hours out of senior employee's wages after employee's 13.5-hour shift ‘didn’t meet his standards', then backpedals when employee turns to HR

New management just always seems to mess up the thriving environment they arrive in, taking senior employees for granted and playing with their wages as if salaries are part of a game. This manager was only two weeks into his new job, and already wreaked the type of havoc that can result in mass resignations… He told one of the senior employees, OP, that he was cutting three hours of work out of a shift because he had looked at the cameras and seen that OP wasn't ‘working’ to his standard. OP h…
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'Good luck paying employees!': Overworked employee complies with manager's orders to 'stick to his job title', leading to 50 employees walking out after they aren't paid

'Good luck paying employees!': Overworked employee complies with manager's orders to 'stick to his job title', leading to 50 employees walking out after they aren't paid

Isn't it annoying when you get asked to do something that is NOT in your job title without anything in return? If it's not part of your role, and you're not really getting paid for it, then why do it? I don't mean people shouldn't be innovative or try to move up in their line of work, but I am no stranger to employers taking advantage of their employees just to save money and time. Here, there's an incredibly devoted employer who was actually fine with taking on more responsibilities in his lin…
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'I went above and beyond and was awarded an exceptional yearly performance review': Company cancels $1,500 Christmas bonuses just 10 days prior to distribution

'I went above and beyond and was awarded an exceptional yearly performance review': Company cancels $1,500 Christmas bonuses just 10 days prior to distribution

There's no better gift to get from a company than a Christmas bonus at the end of the year. Well, a bonus is nice at any time of the year, but since December can be an expensive month, it's extra nice to get a little bit of help around the holidays. I know not all companies can afford to give out bonuses at Christmas, and that's fair, but what's not fair is what happened to this OP.
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salary boss Battle workplace-stories employee hospitality toxic-workplace legal raise underpaid workplace reddit thread Reddit - 23013637

'It came out to like $2,400 after legal fees': Hospitality worker sues boss after claiming he was underpaid, worker wins in court

Props to this OP! We all know it can be hard to advocate for ourselves in a work setting. Especially when the boss isn't having it. In this story, the OP knew he was being underpaid as a hospitality worker. So, he decided to tally up all of his hours, during AND after work hours, and then submit the evidence to his boss as a backing for why he deserves a raise or at least to be compensated fairly. Well, his boss just laughed him off.
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'I'm suddenly feeling feverish': EMT gives his 2-week notice then learns he will be shorted PTO, uses all of his sick days in his final two weeks

According to the Feds, employees are only allowed to get sick 3 days out of the year. At least, PTO and sick leave is intentionally convoluted and in America, some people actually feel guilty taking sick days (even when they ARE sick) because they have that vacation to Bermuda later in the year that they're saving those days for. But doesn't that defeat the purpose of a sick day? We should just call it what it really is: Floater days where you're paid to not work.
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quitting quit i-quit reddit reddit-thread work work-story overworked underpaid pay raise manager boss promotion denied

'More money for me and my cats': Overworked and underpaid employee triumphantly throws in the towel, finding a higher paying job and leaving his exploitative boss in a lurch

Overworked employees are always under-appreciated. They slave every day and pour their hearts into their job but receive little praise, never see a cash bonus, and usually have to watch their boss take all the credit for their work. Wouldn't it be nice if hard work actually equated to success like we were always told?
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'You'll have to... work without the benefits': Employee surprises boss with vacation request

'You'll have to... work without the benefits': Employee surprises boss with vacation request after boss refuses to give them a raise and benefits

Despite being a hard worker, this employee just didn't have what it took to get a promotion . They old saying goes that hard work pays off , but that isn't always the case. In some jobs, you can work as hard as you possibly can, clocking in overtime hours or covering multiple jobs for other people. Unless you have a management team that plans to move you up, all that hard work won't matter at all. In fact, your boss might appreciate your hard work, and decide you're so good at getting things do…
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employee disgruntled employees boss manager managers management hidden hide keys key underpaid unappreciated coworker reddit petty revenge

'I hid them all around the facility': Disgruntled employee stashes the company's key collection before quitting, serving his resignation letter with a side of pettiness

When you start to feel yourself becoming the unappreciated cornerstone of your company, it might be time to consider other employment. Your managers might act like they have their ducks in a row, but they always seem to forget who's the one lining 'em up. If you have ever worked for a boss who never recognized your value in the workplace, you can probably relate to this next story.
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company employee boss overworked underpaid reddit malicious-compliance reddit-thread boss bad-boss manager management upper-management quitting quit i-quit notice hardworking hard-work

'They thought I was useless [but] within a week, they were frantically trying to get me to help them': Overworked employee quits his job after being disregarded for months; company scrambles, then retaliates with a baseless lawsuit

Unrequited love is the second-most devastating feeling in human existence. The absolute worst feeling in a person's life is unrequited hard work. Diligent employees with a strong work ethic often get the short end of the stick in their workplace, with countless late nights and at-home data analysis going unnoticed. In this case, OP had picked up the slack in his job, working extra hours and assuming tasks that would help fatten his bosses wallets, but that grind ultimately took a toll...
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