

'I'm gonna be a better man today': 20 Tweets that are funnier because they're deleted

'I'm gonna be a better man today': 20 Tweets that are way funnier because they're deleted

Any tweet can be great, but a deleted tweet can become iconic. Just ask the people of the X/Twitter app themselves! When @toxikloveh**s requested to see people's favorite deleted tweets, hundreds of people brought their faves to the table. Declarative tweets with really strong opinions are often the funniest when they're deleted. Like one person shared that, “One thing's for sure, no matter how bad things get. I will always support this team.” Then, wouldn't you know it… they deleted the tweet!…
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28 Parenting Tweets to Share at the Dinner Table

28 Parenting Tweets to Share at the Dinner Table

Kids are something else. Imagine you're a parent (you probably are if you clicked on this post). It's 6:00 AM, and your kids are already battling each other outside their shared bathroom. They refuse to get ready together and lock one another out, causing chaos, as usual. You shuffle around, getting things ready, making breakfast, and occasionally pulling them apart. One kid hates their outfit, the other one hates you. It's just a typical morning. Their expressions are storm clouds of teenage r…
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21 Gen X Memes and Tweets That Tell It Like It Is

21 Gen X Memes and Tweets That Tell It Like It Is

Apparently, Gen Z is saying “Everclear” is the drink of the summer… So who's gonna tell them?
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rare joking rare insults tweets viral funny tweets funny - 24485125

'Listen here, you six-piece chicken McNobody': 25+ Very funny rare insults

These people have been blessed with the gift of creativity, and they're using it to insult strangers on the internet . What else is the internet good for if not roasting a few celebs or a handful of your closest friends? The best jabs aren't the meanest. The best ones are the unbelievably creative sort, where you know the person had to spend a few minutes coming up with a fitting comparison. These people didn't just write some kind of lazy quip, they spent time thinking about the best way to ro…
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'She forgot to bring her dog with her... to the vet':  20 Major facepalm moments captured forever on the internet

'She forgot to bring her dog with her... to the vet': 20 Major facepalm moments captured forever on the internet

We could not be rolling our eyes any harder at these moments that will make you facepalm. The internet is forever, no matter what you do. Thanks to internet archives, even if you delete something, it's still likely to float around the internet every now and again. For example, I imagine the person who posted about a “leaf” found in their burrito bowl wishes they didn't Tweet about it. That's because even though they thought this was your average everyday outside leaf, it was not. It's a bay lea…
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'Baker [...] misread the customer text asking for an Elmo cake and instead made an emo cake': 30 funny food and cringe cake mishaps

'Baker [...] misread the customer text asking for an Elmo cake and instead made an emo cake': 30 Funny food and cringe cake mishaps

Here's the deal with all baked goods: as long as it tastes good, it shouldn't matter what it looks like. Ok, maybe that's not true, but that's what I tell myself every time I attempt to bake something for my family, which I have done on only one or two occasions. Trust me. They do not want to eat whatever I bake. It's always too sugary, too bland, or somehow too salty even if there's next to no salt in there. Fortunately for them, this is why I rarely bake anything. Whenever I do decide to take…
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'Somebody has an idea: What if we do an "anti prank"?': High school seniors plan anticlimactic pranks to fool their teachers, news stations report on the school's reaction

'Somebody has an idea: What if we do an "anti prank"?': High school seniors plan anticlimactic pranks to fool their teachers, news stations report on the school's reaction

These students had an absolutely hilarious idea for their senior prank — and it was so effective that their school ended up on the news.
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'The reason he's called the Rock is because he has the acting range of one': 20 Funny Letterboxd Reviews

'The reason he's called the Rock is because he has the acting range of one': 20+ Funny Letterboxd Reviews

Movie fans can be absolutely savage in their reviews.
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'Do not iron while wearing shirt': 20+ funny signs and labels for careless folks

'Do not iron while wearing shirt': 20 funny signs and labels for careless folks

There's a reason why everyone tells you to always read the label first. For one, as your mother probably told you growing up, you don't want to purchase, eat, wear, or try anything that might cause any damage whatsoever. However, in addition to that far more important reason, there's also the fact that if you don't read your signs and labels, you might be missing out on some quality content. I mean, there really is nothing quite like reading a sign and doing an immediate "Did I read that right?…
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Top Face Palm Moments This Week (July 7, 2023)

Top Face Palm Moments This Week (July 7, 2023)

Every so often, you come across something on the Internet that reminds you how shockingly wild humans can be.
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20+ Summer Vacation Flops for Broke Folks Who Can’t Afford Time Off

20+ Summer Vacation Flops for Broke Folks Who Can’t Afford Time Off

We are in the thick of summer, which means we are also in the thick of seeing everyone's vacation pictures on social media.
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'The airport is a lawless place': 20+ airport and travel memes, tweets, and mishaps

'The airport is a lawless place': 20+ airport and travel memes, tweets, and mishaps

There are two kinds of social rules: rules in the regular world and rules at the airport.
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air travel karens scammer twitter Twitter Thread airlines scams passenger airline tweets scam entitled traveling karen airplane entitled people passengers - 21165317

'We're sorry for any disappointment': Dude's Twitter thread sparks online debate around popular Southwest Airlines "wheelchair scam"

Who wants to be sitting on an airline for longer than they have to? Well—due to Southwest's unique seating arrangement, where no seats are assigned, and all seats are first-come-first-serve, the less honest among us are hugely incentivized to vie for priority boarding without having to fork out extra for it. The way people do this is by asking for a wheelchair before they arrive at their gate, which qualifies them for priority boarding from the airline. This frustrated passenger hit out against…
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'There [were] no instructions for how to use this tablecloth': 20+ People who were incompetent at basic everyday tasks

'There [were] no instructions for how to use this tablecloth': 20+ People who were hilariously incompetent at basic everyday tasks

They say if you mess something up badly enough, no one will ask you to do it again. That can definitely be true in many areas of life, whether it's the workplace or a relationship . One person burns a dinner so badly that they're never asked to cook again, making life easy for them, but harder for their partner. Discussions around weaponized incompetence, which is doing something badly intentionally to avoid it or not doing it at all, became a viral talking point of the day on Twitter . @Cooper…
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FAILS internet memes FAIL relatable Hall of Fame tweets funny tweets funny twitter random tweets funny - 20866565

25 Iconic tweets that belong in the internet hall of fame

Twitter is full of the funniest people . It's a site where folks gather to be witty and write the funniest things they can think of. Some tweets are so great that they go viral and take on a life of their own! Below are a collection of some pretty great tweets from hilarious people reflecting on life, kids, dating, entertainment, and more. Check out these fine tweets, then see if you recall these random things people miss from the pre-internet era.
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insecure humor therapy millennials stress Memes tweets comedy gen z funny anxiety - 20747269

20+ Memes for Folks With Too Much Anxiety, Insecurity, and Stress

So many of us simply do not have the toolbox to handle stress well. So what do we do instead? We come across memes on the Internet and send them to our besties with a one-word message that reads "me."
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