

hilarious scammer email gift card trolling scam reddit thread Reddit funny - 23058693

'SHOW ME THE CODE': Woman trolls scammer for hours, turning away his request for gift cards with hilarious responses

We've all heard of the gift card scam via email. And if you haven't, maybe you should read this…
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Created a point-of-interest on Google Maps to piss off wealthy Karen neighbors

Guy pettily trolls rich neighbor Karen who is mad about a new road joining her neighborhood to a 'poor' one

We're often told in life that we should always do the right thing, but what is one to do when the right thing is also wrong? Perhaps, this quandary is the best way to consider the situation at hand in this story. This guy has taken to pettily trolling his rich Karen neighbor, who is infuriated by the fact that public works have just completed a project that has added a road connecting her upscale neighborhood to a poorer one. It's pretty safe to assume that this Karen is probably just one of th…
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HOA gets hilariously trolled after emailing a petty violation email to the wrong person

Woman is mistakenly emailed an HOA violation for a property 600 miles away, trolls them with epic pettiness

Neighborhood HOAs do not have a good track record these days. They used to be more like an HR department for neighbors to work through conflicts and disagreements in their community. Now, they just yell at you for your property not looking a certain way they want it to look . For example, god forbid you have a few weeds growing on your lawn. Recently, a girl named Mae online posted about an HOA violation she received about the weeds on her lawn. The email was caddy and entitled and nit picky. T…
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Scammer Pretends to be CEO in Failed Phishing Attempt, Gets Trolled

Scammer Pretends to be CEO in Failed Phishing Attempt, Gets Trolled

Phishing is a very real threat —so why does it seem so ridiculous every time you see a story about it? Every time it makes news —or happens in your own workplace— the story is always somewhere along the lines of “Bob from accounting bought $100,000 of gift cards for fake CEO” or “Deborah from HR gave all the company's passwords to someone impersonating her boss.” You always walk wondering just what in the heck these people were thinking… How on earth did they fall for that? Usually, phishing at…
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TikToker is Getting Trolled by Small Town Religious Group the Hutterites for Joking About Them Going to the Gym

TikToker is Getting Trolled by Small Town Religious Group the Hutterites for Joking About Them Going to the Gym

Hutterites' religion, like the Amish, centers around 16th century Radical Reformation and apparently, they do not joke around.
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funny story about wrong numbers for chinese restaurant

Idiot Insists Guy’s House is a Chinese Restaurant, Gets Served Justice

What is there to expect.
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Girl Goes Viral for Hilariously Trolling a Gerard Butler Catfish Account on TikTok

Girl Goes Viral for Hilariously Trolling a Gerard Butler Catfish Account on TikTok

He tries to get her credit card info twice, but she slyly avoids that and eventually gets HIM to block her—pure genius.
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customer support customer service scammer funny texts trolling text - 16364037

Entitled Idiot Wants Their Deposit Back After Last-Minute Cancelling of Appointment, Gets Trolled

Hey, I remember that guy from school!
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trolling ken m - 16235781

25 More Trolls From the Master of the Craft 'Ken M'

Another legendary collection.
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trolling ken m - 16236037

25 Trolls From the Legendary Master Troll 'Ken M'

A collection of trolls from the master himself.
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spoof news birds-aren-t-real morning news conspiracy trolling parody morning dumb funny stupid - 107803137

"Birds Aren't Real" Founder Trolls Chicago Morning News

“Birds Aren't Real” is a parody conspiracy movement with the express goal of getting the word out that the government has replaced every bird with a robotic replica. Given the opportunity to talk about his cause in the high stakes world of Chicago morning news, Peter McIndoe did this.
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scammer trolling troll lol silly scam funny stupid - 16098565

Scammer Claims To Be Neighbor, Gets Trolled So Hard He Asks Victim To Stop

We love to see incompetent scammers become their own worst enemies. In this case it was a malicious stranger who claimed to be “Jeff the neighbor" but his riffing skills weren't up to par with the dude he chose to target. Hey, as long as we can waste a scammer's time while amusing ourselves, that's time they're not using to trick old or dumb people into actually giving them money.
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scammer art of trolling trolling troll - 16075269

Man Trolls Card Scammer, Who is Masquerading as His Aunt, For 3.5 Hours in Epic Battle of Wits

The outcome of this is inconceivable.
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ken m troll

19 Masterful Trolls From the Grandmaster Himself, Ken M

19 classic Ken M trolls that are the pinnacle of the internet
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Video of crew pranking Mr. Rogers with a smaller pair of shoes.

The Wholesome Prank Played on Mr. Rogers

Alright, that's beautiful.
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trolling ken m funny internet culture - 15838469

Enjoy This Colossal Collection of "Master Troll" Ken M's Finest Work to Get You Through the Weekend

A legend in our hearts and minds.
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