
Hilarious meme-inspired Halloween costumes that would dominate the party this year with tons of laughs.

8 Hilariously Sexy Meme-Inspired Costumes That'd Dominate Halloween Parties

Picture of Ariana Grande defying laws of physics goes viral, and people on Twitter are terribly confused.

Pic Of Ariana Grande Defying Laws Of Physics Goes Viral, And Internet's Horribly Confused

McDonald's is getting roasted alive on Twitter after introducing ridiculous series of "Millennial" themed ingredients.

McDonald's Is Getting Roasted On Twitter After Introducing Millennial Ingredients

People share their cringiest, too much information stories on Jimmy Fallon.

People Share Their Worst Cringe-Packed TMI Stories

twitter Memes girlfriend trending funny dating - 3165957

Memelords Are Having a Field Day With the Girlfriend Vs. Other Girl Meme

Depressing but entertaining trending twitter hashtag about dating struggle of four word letdowns.

10 Depressing But Hilarious #4WordLetDowns Trending Hashtag Captures the Struggles of Dating

People share the best pranks they've ever played in honor of Jimmy Fallon trending Twitter hashtag.

7 People Tweet Out Their Best Pranks They've Ever Done

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Naughty Little Fidget Spinner

Trending Twitter hashtag about financial struggles ends up hitting way too close to home.

#MyBankAccountSays Speaks to the Financial Anxieties That Plague Us All Far Too Often

Nordstrom releases very expensive, ridiculous fake mud-coated jeans clothing line.

We Can't Even Right Now With Nordstrom's New Line of Fake Mud-Coated Jeans

hipster reactions ridiculous trending food salad - 1841925

People Naturally Can't Stop Making Fun Of Ridiculous Snobby Food Trend, 'Hand Salad'

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Internet Reacts to Fake Camel Toe Underwear Fashion Trend in Asia

adult swaddling

Adult Swaddling Is The Weirdest Cringeworthy Trend We've Seen Emerge From Tokyo In a Long Time

spirit cooking trending on twitter makes hillary clinton a witch

Question of the Day: Why is #SpiritCooking Trending on Twitter

trending new movie news ben affleck new batman movie title funny

Movie of the Day: Ben Affleck Announced His New Solo Project Title is "The Batman," Twitter Responds

survivor bears injury attack facebook trending Video - 287495

[GRAPHIC] Story of the Day: Man Gets Attacked by Grizzly Bears, Lives to Film and Tell Tale