

'Firing me for exposing the company's illegal activities was also illegal, so instead she raged at me' : Employee maliciously complies with terrible manager, calls IT after finding error in system, resulting in fines amounting to $30,000

'Firing me for exposing the company's illegal activities was also illegal, so instead she raged at me' : Employee maliciously complies with terrible manager, calls IT after finding error in system, resulting in fines amounting to $30,000

Companies often cheap out on buying software, instead opting to download a pirated version for free. If this were to come to light, the fines would be hefty, but a lot of companies get away with it. This one did not. An employee with no prior office experience was hired as a processor for a mortgage company. Her boss was extremely dismissive, as she looked down on her for having no experience. Her pride cost the company $30,000 in fines. What happened was the following: An unknown error popped…
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How we got Karen ejected from the office!

'We do not wish to verbally engage with you, Karen': IT workers plot pro revenge against coworker

These IT workers wanted their coworker gone after she created a toxic environment. But did they go about it in the right way?
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boss work-story workplace-stories toxic-workplace malicious compliance Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 19720453

'She nagged at me in front of the whole office': Boss refuses to let employee use headset in the office, employee maliciously complies and plays audio at full volume

Some bosses should be very careful about what they demand.
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‘From now on, you punch in your work hours!’ : New manager attempts to deduce hardworking employee's salary, employee maliciously complies, leading to 30% raise due to overtime pay

‘From now on, you punch in your work hours!’ : New manager attempts to deduce hardworking employee's salary, employee maliciously complies, leading to 30% raise due to overtime pay

New management always finds a way to demotivate workers, usually via micromanagement, but in this case, the opposite is true. There are countries where labor laws are a dime a dozen, and in this specific one, employees have a certain amount of hours required to work each month; every hour short of that is deducted from monthly payment, and every hour beyond is paid as overtime. This employee used that to his advantage when his new boss decided to mess with him, attempting to deduce his salary b…
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work-story antiwork workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace food service workplace workers employment service industry - 2033159

'I've been struggling [to afford] food': Worker shares scathing messages from their boss after they recover discarded food from workplace

This manager took issue because one of their workers was taking discarded bread loaves from back-of-house disposal. Anyone who has worked in food service or the service industry has witnessed this at some point: perfectly good food going to the bin just because they can't move the product and donating the food to a shelter would present a “lawsuit risk.” So away it goes, right into the dumpster. It's always a shame to see all perfectly good food go to waste—even if you have plenty to eat at hom…
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workplace-stories toxic-workplace malicious compliance work Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 19701253

'End of discussion, do you understand me?': New boss throws tantrum at employee for executing task without the OK, employee malicious complies and gets boss fired

There's nothing like a boss who turns out to be too prideful to acknowledge when they've made a huge mistake.
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getting fired no-notice-fired toxic-company fired got-fired toxic-workplace new-career-path zero-notice-fired toxic-employer time-lapse video - 2031623

Man Accidentally Records the Moment He Gets No-Noticed Fired By His Toxic Employers

One minute you're making a video of how good you are at your work, and the next minute you're getting pulled into an out-of-the-blue conference call with your boss, who then invites HR into the meeting and it turns out you're getting fired with zero notice… You think that's a funny little nihilistic point of view or meme? Nah, dog. That is real life. That is exactly what happened to a man who recently posted his getting-fired-story to TikTok. He had recently returned from vacation and was happy…
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Work sucks memes relatable Mondays monday through Friday 9 to 5 clocking in jobs working anarchy bad mood

Relatable Work Memes for Employees With a Permanent Case of the Mondays (March 14, 2023)

Hey Siri, how do you say, "I quit my job, I have no money, please don't rob me" in Spanish?
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boss workplace-stories toxic-workplace manager toxic toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses toxic-work-environment - 19644421

'Should I take his advice?': Boss rudely suggests worker quits over scheduling change, employee considers it

Give some people even a shred of power, and they will preside with an iron fist… devoid of any sense of justice except the whims of their own stupid ego. They'll generally not be overly concerned with anyone else's needs or wants. All is well—just as long as they have their own way. There's nothing inherently wrong with having to make changes to a schedule or roster; as a manager, that's just part of the job. Still, there are ways to do it and ways not to do it if you care a shred about the peo…
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Got fired from my internship so I sued the company and got money

'Got fired from my internship so I sued the company': Intern's excellent revenge on shady company

This intern wasn't afraid to burn bridges after his boss fired him out of nowhere! Internships can be truly grueling. Regardless of what industry you're in, as an intern, you can expect to be doing the jobs no one else wants to do, popping out to get coffee for the employees, and even working extra hours. You're supposed to gain career experience , and maybe even gain a job as a result. But in actuality, companies almost never end up hiring interns, and they often don't bother to pay them for t…
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20+ Coworker Memes of the Week for Understaffed Teams of Employees (March 9, 2023)

20+ Coworker Memes of the Week for Understaffed Teams of Employees (March 9, 2023)

This one is for the employees with one foot out the door.
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'I hate my job, but I especially hate it on Saint Patrick's!' : Server creates relatable Reddit thread for bitter bartenders

'I hate my job, but I especially hate it on Saint Patrick's!' : Server creates relatable Reddit thread for bitter bartenders

Saint Patrick's is the one day you don't want to work as a bartender. Not that New Year's is that much better, but still, Saint Patrick's holds first place for rowdy customers who use the celebration of Irish culture as an excuse to get completely hammered. As customers, they can be rude, loud, and most of all, sick to their stomachs, which creates a big mess. Who gets the lovely privilege of cleaning up after 'em? You, if you're a server. But the money is pretty sweet, as people tend to be pre…
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pro revenge workplace-stories tech support toxic-workplace technical difficulties revenge it IT guy workplace Horrible Bosses Tech business - 19661317

'Ends up paying him double': Greedy business owner tries to scam IT guy, IT guy scams him right back

It's often said that you shouldn't meddle with things you don't understand and, by extension, you shouldn't mess with the people who handle the things that you don't understand either. If you've managed to get a contractor in to handle something you can't or aren't willing to do or understand, and they deliver on that product, you'd do your best to pay them the agreed price. After all, we've already established you don't understand that thing, so why are you so certain you've got the upper hand…
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workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit quitting toxic-work-environment - 19652101

'Only a week notice?': Boss tries to guilt employee into staying longer, employee retaliates and decides to leave that day

The best way to get someone to do what you want is certainly not to insult them.
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toxic-manager fired toxic-workplace texting fail laid off toxic-bestie toxic-bff toxic-boss company-shutdown toxic-CEO toxic-best-friend workplace-culture - 19625477

'My life fell apart due to one screenshot' : Employee and bestie with CEO loses job and friendship all due to one regretful group text message

Everyone always thinks, “oh it would be so nice to work with my besties!” But those who have been through that before know the potential disaster that it can become. You have to realize that just because you are working with a group of friends, doesn't mean there isn't going to be a hierarchy, and if you're friend group can't handle that workplace culture, it is most likely going to fall apart—both the business and the friendship… That is exactly what happened to one recent Reddit poster. She w…
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toxic-manager toxic-workplace malicious compliance toxic-boss toxic relationship toxic-work-environment - 19661573

'Bin everything in this room? You got it boss': Workers comply to rampaging boss's shortsighted demands

Sometimes you have to wonder what someone was thinking when they made a decision like this, but the reality is that they probably weren't thinking at all. We've all had a boss like this: the type who blows their top over nothing and with no warning at all. Who knows why they ended up like this, but for some reason, they have a stunted emotional regulation. Just the path in life they took, I suppose. Still, one just wonders. Wonders how it reached the point where their only gratification on this…
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