

'I'm literally never late': Boss demands employee to text her as soon as she leaves the house, employee complains to her boss's boss

'I'm literally never late': Boss demands employee to text her as soon as she leaves the house, employee complains to her boss's boss

There is a reason why you should avoid giving your boss your phone number if you can help it. Sometimes, you don't have a choice, but what you do have control over is when you choose to respond to your boss. The reality is that engaging with your boss is part of your paid employment. Therefore, you really only need to do it when you're on the clock. It can be hard to draw those boundaries, especially in this day and age when it's nearly impossible to unplug. However, if you do manage to establi…
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'I started doing only what I'm asked to do': Worker told they're "not doing enough" after being denied a raise

Carrots on sticks dangled too long in front of you soon stop serving as motivation and instead turn into an inescapable torment. An ever-present reminder that you'll never get anywhere in this place. It's hard not to feel demoralized when you've been putting in extra effort to help your company and/or achieve record numbers and profits, only to get nothing in return to reward you for your efforts. Of course, it's foolish to do more than your job description requires under a thin promise that yo…
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'Lisa is absurd': Nosy coworker keeps trying to get employee to share her lunch, confronts her in the office kitchen

'Lisa is absurd': Nosy coworker keeps trying to get employee to share her lunch, confronts her in the office kitchen

Is Lisa not capable of making her own lunch? Can you imagine being wired in such a way that you genuinely would feel entitled to your coworker's lunch?! Lisa wasn't even slightly senior to OP as far as we know, not that it would be ok if she were but we all know how horrible bosses can be. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit by u/sxrllyya , who became known for making elaborate lunches and bringing them to the office. Now, as someone whose homemade office lunch is often…
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'[He said] you are all replaceable, so we all said ok': 10+ work stories where everyone quit together

'[He said] you are all replaceable, so we all said ok': 10+ work stories where everyone quit together

There are moments in everyone's working lives when management goes too far and everyone knows it. These are the kinds of moments when you look across the room at your coworker and you immediately question if they are thinking what you're thinking. Perhaps there is a clear look in their eyes or perhaps there is a slight nod, the kind of exchange that signifies, “Are we doing this? Yes, yes we are." What happens next is the kind of solidarity among employees people only dream of… if only the circ…
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'They canceled my two weeks off': HR approves employee's PTO for their mother's funeral, then cancels request, employee has an outburst

'They canceled my two weeks off': HR approves employee's PTO for her mother's funeral, then cancels request, employee has an outburst

Every human resources department has been known for some shady behavior to protect the interests of the company rather than the interests of the actual humans who work there. Ironic, much? We all have these kinds of stories, particularly ones that involve employee benefits like paid time off. It's a tale as old as time: an employee requests vacation time for an important event like a wedding or a funeral, their boss approves said vacation time, then shames them in some way as the dates actually…
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'NO ONE can access their emails': Boss orders IT worker to cut off everyone's access over the weekend to avoid paying OT, worker maliciously complies

'NO ONE can access their emails': Boss orders IT worker to cut off everyone's access over the weekend to avoid paying OT, worker maliciously complies

Sometimes, the best way to inform your boss that their newly implemented policy is flawed is by showing not telling. Lots of workplace practices are put into place in such a way that seems smart and productive in theory… until it's not. Of course, the people who are enforcing said policies often want them to work and refuse to hear any criticism from the people who actually have an understanding of how their workflow looks. This boss was running into some legal trouble and couldn't pay for any…
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'If you don't come in, you're fired': Boss calls vacationing employee's wife to get him to come in, threatens termination

'If you don't come in, you're fired': Boss calls vacationing employee's wife to get her husband to come in, threatens termination

What part of “time OFF” do these employers not understand? This technician had been working at the same HVAC company for 15 years and saw it expand from virtually nothing to a business that employed over 100 other technicians. Unfortunately, the dynamics within the company changed a bit after it was sold to a larger monopoly. Now, the technician's typical five weeks of vacation time were reduced to two weeks, and seniority didn't really matter at all anymore. Despite these changes, the technici…
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'They're not prepared for you on your first day': 40 Red flags people spotted in their new workplaces

'They're not prepared for you on your first day': 40 Red flags people spotted in their new workplaces

Starting to work at a new company is a leap of faith. We all want to have the best job possible, with a great salary, tons of perks, good coworkers, benefits, and a nice work-life balance. There's no such thing as a perfect job — you might have a great salary, but your boss is always breathing down your neck. Or maybe you have a lot of vacation time to use, but you work 80 hour weeks most of the time. It's a trade off, and it's all about finding an environment you can thrive in. These folks bel…
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'They came in with a potbelly pig as their emotional support animal': 15+ crazy coworker stories

'They came in with a potbelly pig as their emotional support animal': 15+ crazy coworker stories

It doesn't matter what your line of work is. It doesn't matter if you work in an office, in a restaurant, in a warehouse, or remotely. Chances are you have dealt with an unruly and/or bizarre coworker. Perhaps in the moment, your experience with this person was a cringeworthy one. Perhaps it did not end well for you or for them. However, provided that you came out unscathed, you probably are grateful to have the story. Some of these coworkers range from the unethical to the strange. For instanc…
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'Fired for insubordination': CEO fires employee the day he files for paternity leave, claims he was insubordinate

'Fired for insubordination': CEO fires employee the day he files for paternity leave, claims he was insubordinate

We're pretty sure toxic bosses are not allowed to do this anymore… This boss decided it was appropriate to fire his hourly employee on the same day that the employee filed for more state-protected paternity leave, a privilege that his boss doesn't normally grant to his other employees as well. First of all, let's start by acknowledging that granting maternity and paternity leave should not be seen as a privilege in anyone's else, nor should workers be rewarded for not taking their full time off…
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'He got laid off. An hour into his first day': 10+ wild workplace stories as told by HR

'He got laid off. An hour into his first day': 10+ wild workplace stories as told by HR

We often talk about how HR is not your friend here on FAIL Blog. That being said, there are always good apples everywhere, and you know with certainty that some of these HR professionals have seen some wild stuff. It could be during the hiring process, when HR employees and hiring managers end up hearing some pretty ridiculous demands or inappropriate remarks from potential job candidates. It could be a crazy story from a boss or CEO, who has pretty backward standards when it comes to workplace…
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'I can't believe you said that': Work mom won't stop commenting on everyone's physical appearance, employee talks to management

'I can't believe you said that': Work mom won't stop commenting on everyone's physical appearance, employee talks to management

In every work environment, there tends to be a work mom, someone who isn't necessarily in charge but serves as an emotional support figure. However, apparently, not all work moms are universally supportive… In this instance, we have a work mom who may have started out that way but perhaps due to cultural differences or simply due to a false sense of superiority, she started to manipulate those around her with incessant insults and unkind comments. At first, the Redditor who shared this story th…
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'Got them all fired': Dude gets even with ex-boss and ex-coworkers by getting a job at the place that handles their contracts

'Got them all fired': Dude gets even with ex-boss and ex-coworkers by getting a job at the place that handles their contracts

Can you imagine getting on this guy's bad side? This Redditor was working as a warehouse associate at a non-profit and helped employ his friend Jim, who was having a host of job problems (meaning he was a difficult employee who would move from job to job frequently). However, OP made sure that Jim would adjust well to the workflow and work dynamics at the warehouse, despite the annoying behavior of two other coworkers and the negligent behavior of their boss. OP, Jim, and a third friend of thei…
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'Thank you so much for firing me': People share how they burned bridges on their last day of work

'Thank you so much for firing me': People share how they burned bridges on their last day of work

Some of us are people pleasers and could never imagine causing drama on our last day at a job, but others feel that they have nothing left to lose. Honestly, power to these individuals. I could never motivate myself to be that savage, even if I were completely in the right. I've been candid about the experience as a whole, certainly. If I have an exit interview, I do believe that affords employees on their way out with a healthy opportunity to professionally discuss the issues within their plac…
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'I was the one that paid the $500': Server forced to pay the bill after table of 11 dines and dashes

'I was the one that paid the $500': Server forced to pay the bill after table of 11 dines and dashes

The most infuriating part of this story is how common this phenomenon seems to be among other servers. Several folks in the comments section of this Reddit thread pointed out that they too would be forced to pay up if any of their customers dined and dashed at a restaurant. Not only is this completely unfair, but this kind of policy is certainly not going to create a sense of loyalty among the restaurant staff. The underlying concept here is that it's the server's fault for allowing customers t…
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'Printed the proof... and walked straight out': 20+ People who quit their jobs on the spot

'Printed the proof... and walked straight out': 20+ People who quit their jobs on the spot

When you're pushed too far, sometimes you just can't take the heat anymore. These workers know the feeling all too well, and they shared the moments that were the final straw before they quit their job on the spot. As much as you try to vet a company before you join, you just don't know what your job will really be like. You can keep an eye out for red flags during the interview process, but you won't really know what it's like until you spend a few weeks emailing with your boss or calling clie…
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