

'I am counting EVERYTHING': Retail worker maliciously complies with supervisor's contradictory instructions

'I am counting EVERYTHING': Retail worker maliciously complies with supervisor's contradictory instructions

If you give unclear, contradictory instructions to your employees, you're just asking for problems. It makes you wonder how these supervisors got promoted in the first place. Clarity is pretty much the most important part of the job, and if you can't do that, you have no business expecting your team to follow you blindly. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by u/Correct_Campaign3707 , who worked on the Member Service team at a retail company and was tasked with ch…
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'I destroyed my former employer's credibility': Toxic CEO gets fired over abysmal company ratings after a disgruntled employee sandbags reviews on a job recruitment site

It's hard to dislodge CEO's from their position of power. With their ‘friends in high places’ guarding the gates to their job titles, CEOs are almost untouchable. Even with poor job performance, terrible leadership, and a downright inability to do their duties, the only way to really reveal a toxic CEO's incompetence is through the eyes of the shareholders.
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'Work tried to punish me. It backfired': Tax associate blamed for not coming in on day off, maliciously complies and ruins boss's reputation

'Work tried to punish me. It backfired': Tax associate blamed for not coming in on day off, maliciously complies and ruins boss's reputation

If your boss fails to find someone to cover for you on your day off, do not take the blame. No matter how much your employer tries to make it seem like this is all your fault, you are entitled to that day off, especially if you gave them as much notice as this employee did. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by u/TheVaneja , who worked as a tax associate and wound up practically running the show at a small office in a Walmart despite not technically being promote…
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'I knew everything': Poor treatment of previous employee costs business $1,000,000 contract when they're assigned to manage the account

It's not personal; it's just business—a phrase you'll hear only when someone has decided to treat you quite poorly or has gone back on their word and is hoping that these simple words will prevent you from retaliating. The more accurate truth is that business is personal—it relies on trust and established relationships. And when you've established that you can't be trusted and have a habit of disregarding your relationships —well, don't be surprised when people no longer want to do business wit…
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'Our manager said we shouldn't be talking about our wages': Employee goes to HR after fiery argument with manager over discussing pay

'Our manager said we shouldn't be talking about our wages': Employee goes to HR after fiery argument with manager over discussing pay

Never go to HR to resolve a dispute between you and your manager; unless there are special circumstances, HR will likely side against you. The reasoning behind this is simple: HR is not there to be an objective mediator. They are there to protect the company at all costs. If that means sacrificing a few low-level employees at the company, then that's exactly what they will do. Of course, there are exceptions, and occasionally HR will fire managers but not because of their inappropriate behavior…
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‘Everyone was bitter about it’: Boss refuses to pay employees for mandatory work trip

‘Everyone was bitter about it’: Boss refuses to pay employees for mandatory work trip

There are so many problematic layers to this tale of a horrible boss and her underpaid employees. Not only were they pressured to attend a mandatory unpaid work trip, but also they were threatened with retaliation if they failed to go. Furthermore, when the employees arrived, they learned that they were expected to share hotel rooms with their coworkers. And here comes the best part: in each room, two coworkers were given one bed to share. It doesn’t get more lawsuit-worthy than that. Now, did…
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‘Let go after one day’: New receptionist pressured to work longer shift on first day, gets fired after standing up to boss

‘Let go after one day’: New receptionist pressured to work longer shift on first day, gets fired after standing up to boss

Typically when you accept a position, you and your new employer have agreed upon some set rules and expectations that neither party is meant to violate. In non-toxic work environments, we call this a contract. But in toxic work environments around the world, contracts tend to not matter to awful employers. When this happens, do not forget your power as an employee, even if you’re a new employee, to stand your ground. This thread was posted to Reddit by u/marora25 , who was hired primarily as a…
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‘Someone was stealing from the party fund’: Engineer devises plan to catch thieving nepo-baby the next time he steals from the office party fund

‘Someone was stealing from the party fund’: Engineer devises plan to catch thieving nepo-baby the next time he steals from the office party fund

It’s one thing to have to deal with an annoying nepo-baby in the office; it’s quite when that nepo baby has not only proven himself to be incompetent but also that he’s been stealing from the communal party fund. This is the fund that the Redditor manages and that employees to for the office Christmas party. Clearly, this nepo-baby thought he was so slick that he would never get caught in the act. Thankfully, this engineer used his skills to create a contraption that would not only catch his le…
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'I'm afraid to go back to work': Employee makes the mistake of becoming her problematic coworker's best friend, now requests to move offices

'I'm afraid to go back to work': Employee makes the mistake of becoming her problematic coworker's best friend, now requests to move offices

There is a reason why one should never get too close to one's coworkers. Now, you are meant to see these people five days a week for at least eight hours a day. Of course, it is totally natural to make friends with at least some of your coworkers. You can't ignore the fact that you see them more often than your real friends. Furthermore, grabbing a drink or a bite to eat after work is a natural extension of those relationships. You are by no means obligated to do so, but it is not a blurring bo…
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'I even have a fake degree hanging up in my study': 15+ times people lied on their resumes and got the job

'I even have a fake degree hanging up in my study': 15+ times people lied on their resumes and got the job

Did I miss the memo or is everyone embellishing their resumes these days? I understand the concept of editing your resume to make it more tailored to a specific job you're hoping to get. For instance, if you're applying for a job in social media and you want to be sure your CV is highlighting your actual experience in that field, you might edit your resume so that you can go into greater detail on that subject. That being said, fabricating degrees and prior experience is something that is far t…
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'My colleagues have literally been brainwashed': Sales team pressured to give $100 each for a group gift to their boss, one worker refuses and causes rift

'My colleagues have literally been brainwashed': Sales team pressured to give $100 each for a Holiday gift to their boss, one worker refuses and causes rift

Company Holiday gifts should flow down the chain, not upward to management. Employees are pressured to take on extra duties and responsibilities all the time under the sometimes false promises of promotions and rewards. So after an entire year of that pressure, how is it this common that employees might then be doubly pressured to pitch in money to give a gift to their boss? I suppose if this kind of gift-giving were reciprocated, that would be slightly more acceptable. I suppose if it were man…
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'We can’t go home early anymore? Sure! Not a problem:' Manager protects team by maliciously complying to new rules, changing scheduled hours during shifts so workers can leave early

'We can’t go home early anymore? Sure! Not a problem:' Manager protects team by maliciously complying to new rules, changing scheduled hours during shifts so workers can leave early

Staying until the end of the day when your work is complete should not be a sign of a good employee. If the work is done well, nothing else should be questioned. Staying late is a sign of poor boundaries between work and life, nothing more and nothing less. Let this also be a friendly reminder that any extra work or help with other tasks after one's regular work expectations are fulfilled is a gift and a favor, not an added responsibility. Thankfully, in this story, we have the rare instance of…
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Update: 'Her boss does this every year': Boss makes workers fight over a piñata filled with money at the Christmas Party

Update: 'Her boss does this every year': Boss makes workers fight over a piñata filled with money at the Christmas Party

Why does it feel like this is giving Squid Game ? This boss decided that it was a good idea to have his employees fight over a piñata filled with money at the office Christmas party year after year. You would think given recent cultural conversations about toxic work environments that perhaps this dude would rethink this annual practice, but nope! This year, he decided to do it yet again. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit by u/schotte420 , whose girlfriend worked at this m…
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'They fired me for not showing up to a shift they didn't schedule': New employee blamed for company's online training malfunction, fired before starting

'They fired me for not showing up to a shift they didn't schedule': New employee blamed for company's online training malfunction, fired before starting

Who wants to work at a company that can't even get their training program to work? Let's go a step further. Who wants to work at a company that blames new employees for their total dysfunction and lack of organization? Although the circumstances of this employee's dismissal were certainly not ideal, it's fair to say that they dodged a bullet early and that it's better this way. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit, and folks in the comments section were quick to add suggestio…
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'Are you refusing to help your coworkers?': Manager pressures employee to help with holiday decorating competition, employee resists then maliciously complies

'Are you refusing to help your coworkers?': Manager pressures employee to help with holiday decorating competition, employee resists then maliciously complies

The ways in which the Holidays creep into the workplace can result in completely unwanted behavior from coworkers and managers. This can manifest itself at Holiday parties, and in this case, Christmas decoration competitions. This Redditor shared their story via this thread on Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit, chronicling how every year, the various departments at their office participate in a decorating competition. This sounds fun in theory, but in practice, it's just extra work. OP w…
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'[Boss] started screaming like a petulant child': Tech worker poached by rival dealer, worker gives boss the opportunity to match the offer, boss loses it

'[Boss] started screaming like a petulant child': Tech worker poached by rival dealer, worker gives boss the opportunity to match the offer, boss loses it

Here's a friendly reminder that giving two weeks' notice is a courtesy, not a requirement. And if you are met with anger or resistance or any unwanted tension from your employer during those final two weeks, you have absolutely no obligation to stay. This tech worker at a dealer learned that the hard way after being poached by a rival dealer. He was fully transparent to his boss that if the other owner accepted his asking wage, he would consider it but would give his current boss the opportunit…
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