

'Let me do my job': Karen refuses to listen to employee's advice, ends up getting zero coverage

'Let me do my job': Karen refuses to listen to insurance employee's advice, ends up getting zero coverage

She had it coming! People who seek the assistance of customer service representatives should take a moment to check their egos at the door before getting on the phone. No one needs to know how important you are to help sign you up for the right insurance plan. What you do need to do, however, is be patient and listen because these folks have the ability to make things a lot easier or difficult for you depending on how you choose to behave. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousComplianc…
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'You must be on camera 100% of the time': Guy gets fired two hours into new job, gets roasted online

'You must be on camera 100% of the time': Guy gets fired two hours into new job, gets roasted online

Getting fired on Day One is almost admirable. You have to be spectacularly ill-suited and woefully unfit to the position to mess things up that quickly and that obviously. Perhaps it's not your fault. Perhaps the recruiters did not make themselves clear from the get-go about what the expectations were. Perhaps both parties misread signals about one another's skills and preferences. Or perhaps it actually was your fault all along and you were fired for a reason. The lattermost scenario may be ra…
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'I don't know how that makes sense from a business perspective': Employee discovers loophole in company's time-tracking policy, extending sick leave

'I don't know how that makes sense from a business perspective': Employee discovers loophole in company's time-tracking policy, extending sick leave

Occasionally, employees discover a loophole within their company's various policies that will make the experience of working at said company all the more palatable. When one discovers a loophole like this, it's important to tell no one. You don't want people catching on, not even your work husband/wife. You just keep doing you, until your scheming comes to light. Most of the time, management is so clumsy and disorganized that nothing ever really does come to light. This thread was posted to Red…
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'I am fully aware I'm not liked here': Employee quits in petty email exchange after their weekend schedule is repeatedly disregarded

'I am fully aware I'm not liked here': Employee quits in petty email exchange after their weekend schedule is repeatedly disregarded

Reading a petty back-and-forth between an employer and an employee is like watching a taboo tennis match. With each message, we fully gasped as the ball was hit into the other person's court and then smashed back. Like tennis, it takes skill and confidence to talk back to your employer with carefully crafted messages full of facts and receipts. This employee knew what they were doing and had nothing to lose as it seemed clear they were prepared to leave. They shared this post via this thread on…
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'These four paid unused vacation days will cost you THOUSANDS': Manager denies worker's vacation, claiming new rule in unpublished employee handbook

'These four paid unused vacation days will cost you THOUSANDS': Manager denies worker's vacation, claiming new rule in unpublished employee handbook

Things could have been so much easier for this company if this manager just acquiesced and accepted his employee's PTO request. Here, we have a loyal employee who was hoping to use his four paid unused vacation days that had rolled over, only to have his request denied by his manager. It wasn't just a timing or scheduling issue; the days were flat-out taken away from him. The Redditor, who shared his story via this thread on Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit, gathered enough evidence and…
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'We are going to part ways effective immediately': Employee fired for scheduling emergency appointment with oncologist

'We are going to part ways effective immediately': Employee fired for scheduling emergency appointment with oncologist

It's remarkable what some bosses think they can get away with in this day and age. There are numerous ways in which employers have tried to cover their real reasons for firing someone. They might say it's budget cuts or some sort of company restructuring. Sometimes, that may actually be the case. However, there are times when someone higher up simply does not enjoy working with you or having to deal with you in some capacity. These coworkers, bosses, HR representatives, etc. will grasp at straw…
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'15 other people saw it': Karen sends unkind message about coworker to entire department by accident, coworker reports her to HR

'15 other people saw it': Karen sends unkind message about coworker to entire department by accident, coworker reports her to HR

Always be careful who you're sending your messages to, especially at work! One would think this is a self-explanatory warning and not something that needs to be stated, but it turns out some coworkers out there really are that reckless. Here, we have a Karen coworker who liked to boss others around, especially this Redditor who was fully on her level within the hierarchy of their company. Karen told her to take lunch at 11 am, but something came up and OP switched lunch times with another emplo…
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Update: 'Am I being ghosted?': Ex-employee denied final payment, DOL agent steps in

Update: 'Am I being ghosted?': Ex-employee denied final payment, DOL agent steps in

Nothing says getting back at your former boss like a call from the Department of Labor. This employee shared that he was being ghosted by his ex-employer regarding his final paycheck. After numerous texts and attempts at communication, he shared his story via this thread on Reddit . Once folks in the comments section suggested that he get in contact with the DOL, he decided to follow suit. We come across many stories here at FAIL Blog that follow employees getting mistreated and horrible bosses…
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Teenager sabotages boss's business after getting his pay docked: ''[I] took the phone off the hook [and] locked the door'

Teenager sabotages boss's business after getting his pay docked: ''[I] took the phone off the hook [and] locked the door'

There are some managers out there who are just asking for their employees to enact some petty revenge on them. For starters, docking someone's pay constantly and for unnecessary reasons is a great example of what to do if you're trying to inspire the opposite of loyalty among the people working for you. This Redditor , who was a teenager at the time, was in constant fear of getting his pay docked for no good reason. Tensions were rising as the biggest day of business for OP's boss was approachi…
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'Fine, I won't save you money': Company denies traveling worker's per diem after he checks out of the hotel early, cue malicious compliance

'Fine, I won't save you money': Company denies traveling worker's per diem after he checks out of hotel early, cue malicious compliance

Let this story serve as a friendly reminder to never try to save your company extra money. That will almost always backfire in some way, and in this case, a worker ended up getting denied payment proper payment. It's the kind of lesson that applies to friendships and relationships as well. If you're going out on a limb trying to impress or extend acts of kindness to someone, you better get that kind of treatment in return. Otherwise, you'll end up feeling used. This thread was posted to Reddit'…
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'Is this allowed?': Delivery worker forced to come into work last minute despite not being scheduled, manager gets roasted online

'Is this allowed?': Delivery worker forced to come into work last minute despite not being scheduled, manager gets roasted online

What is the point in filling out a schedule if your availability is not going to be honored by your manager? It's kind of the whole point in having an elaborate shift-based schedule in the first place. And look: we are sympathetic to the fact that last-minute crises occur and schedules have to be adjusted accordingly. However, when those instances do occur and managers need to call in favors, they should remember that they are in no place to make demands. Asking nicely if someone can shuffle ar…
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‘I took no part in cleaning it up’: Boss takes employee off project, employee watches project go down in flames

‘I took no part in cleaning it up’: Boss takes employee off project, employee watches project go down in flames

Why is it so common for bosses to feel threatened by their competent employees? A competent employee means the whole team’s work is stronger. A competent employee means you don’t have to monitor their output every second of every day because you can count on them to get their work done and to get it done well. A competent employee does not mean that you should feel the need to take them off certain big projects because you are worried that their competent work will make your output seem incompe…
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‘She's going [to] the hospital to be induced 12 hours from now’: Woman gets fired the day before she has a baby, internet reacts

‘She's going [to] the hospital to be induced 12 hours from now’: Woman gets fired the day before she has a baby, internet reacts

Does anyone else smell a lawsuit coming? It’s pretty hard to imagine sillier circumstances to fire someone than to fire a pregnant employee mere hours before they are going to give birth. Perhaps this boss has some extremely backward sense of right and wrong, but you would think someone else at this company would inform him that pregnant women are a protected class. What’s even crazier is that this woman’s husband also works at the same company, so now there is just bad blood all around that to…
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'That was not what I agreed to': 20+ job quitters share what made them instantly walk

'That was not what I agreed to': 20+ job quitters share what made them instantly walk

It's not always easy to quit a job, even when all the signs are telling you to leave. The journey often starts with a little voice in the back of your head saying something to the effect of “This ain't it.” Eventually, that voice gets louder and louder and you find yourself going through a short period where you attempt to convince yourself that you love it here. You try to tell yourself that other friends of yours have it so much worse or that being mistreated is better than looking for new wo…
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Cellphone store manager uno-reverses a toxic boss, quitting immediately after receiving an empty threat: ‘Never turned back and never felt better’

It may seem trite to some, but there's a certain point in every employee's life when their fragile work/life balance begins to crumble around them and it starts becoming clear that happiness is more important than money. Whether you're a seasoned C-level at a company or a lowly intern, some jobs just simply aren't worth the emotional damage every day. Sure, we all want to put food on the table, but at what cost? Some of us just need a win… Like the guy in our next story…
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'I got fed up with her': Coworker keeps getting employee's name wrong on purpose, employee claps back

'I got fed up with her': Coworker keeps getting employee's name wrong on purpose, employee claps back

Pronouncing someone's name incorrectly can be an honest mistake unless it's someone you have been working with closely five days a week for the past year. In the beginning, it's totally excusable, but after a while, it becomes clear that this is no accident. This is someone who is actively seeking to get your name wrong under the guise of having “difficulty” with it. Furthermore, Saoirse is not that uncommon. Has this coworker even heard of Saoirse Ronan? Not only does she come across as unkind…
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