

antiwork toxic-work-views work culture boomer-grandparents millennials toxic-generational-views millennial-employee toxic-mother-in-law baby boomers mother in law gen z boomers mil boomer-mother-in-law workforce Reddit millennial-parents - 20048901

'I pointedly told her that I AM a millennial and...': Boomer MIL thinks millennials don't want to work, hardworking millennial son-in-law puts her in her place

It is another classic boomer vs millennial dilemma . Here we have a millennial son-in-law having to stand up for his generation (yet again) to his boomer mother-in-law who calls anybody younger than her a millennial, and millennials are lazy folk who don't want to work. This story takes place in an amusement park. A millennial family with the boomer grandparents included, took a spring vacation to an amusement park. The park had just opened for the season, so it wasn't as full of visitors, but…
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woman on reddit shares the story about how her bridesmaids saved her wedding by keep her toxic mother-in-law in check

‘My Wedding Was Saved by Three Very Determined Women Who Would Not Allow MIL to Have Her Way’ : Mother-In-Law Attempts Petty Revenge Against Divorced Father-In-Law During Her Son’s Wedding, Wife’s Boss Bridesmaids Epically Shut Her Down

When dreaming about your future husband or wife, a toxic parent-in-law is not included. Unfortunately, it happens and it can really become a make or break part of the engagement. Luckily, this woman found a hack around marrying into toxic parent-in-laws. Basically, be marrying a supportive and understanding partner, but most importantly, have a boss AF group of friends who will not let anything ruin your chance at love. This woman shared her mother-in-law horror story that had an awesome ending…
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