
tow truck

‘Please don't tow my parents car': College tenants parents arrive to celebrate their graduation, landlord demands $200 for 1 hour parking

‘Please don't tow my parents car': College tenants parents arrive to celebrate their graduation, landlord demands $200 for 1 hour parking

I can still remember that one landlord who was so stingy that it was almost remarkable he owned any land at all. The roof had been leaking for months, and one night it began cascading down the wall like a small waterfall. I called my perpetually absent landlord up but he never answered. Voicemail… great. He never did fix that roof and I ended up moving, but I can understand what having a cheap landlord is like. A couple of college students were living together throughout their semester, and the…
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‘Yup, can't start it from ‘drive’': Obtuse driver gives his mechanic friend the cold shoulder, ends up paying hundreds for a tow truck when nothing is wrong with his car

Car troubles can make people crazy. When there's a rattling under the hood or the engine light comes on (again), it's hard to keep your cool and stay level-headed. However, this guy in our next story completely unraveled when his car was “malfunctioning”, but instead of consulting his mechanic friend for help, he dug his heels in on a totally incorrect theory.
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parking space parking lot tow truck malicious compliance parking ticket revenge parking drama towing parking stories petty revenge parking - 24537861

'[My] car is gone': Tenant pays in small change for fraudulent towing charge when their car is incorrectly towed from their snowy apartment complex parking lot

There will be plenty of times in your life when things seem completely unfair. Plenty of these times will involve incorrectly awarded parking infringements… Should this tenant have just moved their vehicle like everyone else so that the snow plow could do a clean sweep of the lot? Sure. But, by the time they had gotten out there and removed the remaining snow from around their vehicle that should have been the end of it. Just because a rule exists doesn't mean it needs to be enforced to the let…
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'That's $180 of my hard-earned money': Man's car gets towed by company looking to make some extra cash, he settles the score by paying the full amount with one dollar bills

'That's $180 of my hard-earned money': Man's car gets towed by company looking to make some extra cash, he settles the score by paying the full amount with one dollar bills

The twenty-first century is known for its constant stream of technological advancement. The fact that we can now fit everything we need into one technological device—our phones—is one of the biggest shifts in our daily lives. The story below is an account of an individual who got his car towed for no apparent reason. It is a freezing winter's day when the story begins. OP saw that snow had been piling up all night when he woke up bright and early. After giving it some thought, he decided that t…
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'She hammered on the hood, put a dent in it': Entitled woman runs into occupied parking spot, ends up paying for damages

'She hammered on the hood, put a dent in it': Entitled woman runs into occupied parking spot, ends up paying for damages

If you've ever had a car, then you know that finding a parking spot can be the bane of your existence. But there's good and bad ways to go about finding a spot. The good way is, if you can't find one then you simply leave the lot and find parking elsewhere. Super easy and devoid of conflict! The bad way is, you physically run into the spot in order to save it. This is exactly what happened to OP when he pulled halfway into a spot and a wild Karen appears out of nowhere to try and hold it with h…
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reddit choosing beggars beggar car trouble broken down vehicle pay paying begging tow towing tow truck mechanic repair bill

‘This apparently flagged me as a cash cow’: Good Samaritan spends his last $110 to help pay for a woman's tow truck, she begs him to pay for the repair too

There are the ‘givers’ of the world and the ‘takers’. Givers are generous and caring, trying to do their best to return a piece of karma to the world. Takers are a different story– If you give an inch, they'll take an entire yard.
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car cars police ticket driving traffic tickets highway driver merge reckless violation petty revenge reddit thread tow-truck tow towing emergency

'My truck's over 20,000 pounds... prepare for revenge': Reckless driver gets a $2,000 ticket after failing to let a tow truck merge

One of the first things you learn in driving school is how to merge. Shortly after you learn which pedals make the car go and which pedals make the car stop, you learn the tried-and-true method of merging, fondly called “The Zipper”. However, once we're released onto the roads of the real world, oftentimes, people forget the you-go-I-go flow of traffic, forgetting entirely how to merge like a civilized driver.
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'We wait even longer for a third tow truck to arrive': Service tech tries to reschedule appointment located on steep hill, gets themself and numerous other vehicles stuck

'We wait even longer for a third tow truck to arrive': Service tech tries to reschedule appointment located on steep hill, gets themself and numerous other vehicles stuck

This service tech is used to driving to jobs in different neighborhoods, but they weren't prepared for this weather. In any job, if your boss has your back, it makes your life a lot easier. However, many managers think that their employees are always trying to be sneaky or deceitful. They have no trust in their decision-making abilities…even though they presumably hired them for such qualities. This person, u/EmuExternal6244, shared a story from a snowy day on the job. As a lead service tech, t…
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tow truck pizza pizza delivery pizza delivery guy towing scammers delivery driver pizza guy scams food delivery delivery - 22663685

'[I went] back outside and my car was missing': Pizza guy gets towed instantly by predatory towing company while delivering to apartment complex

Towing companies have a certain reputation for being predatory, lurking in the shadows and waiting for unsuspecting parkers to put one wheel out of place. Pouncing moments after the driver is out of sight, dragging their car away to hold it for ransom without remorse or exception...
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car tow-truck towing divorce revenge ex-wife ex-husband ex therapy therapist petty justice reddit thread

'She left behind a $12k paperweight of a car': Man gets back at cheating ex-wife by having her broken down car towed off his property at her expense

Divorce is nasty business. They say that all is fair in love and war, but divorce is a combination of both, so does that double the amount foul play each side is entitled to? Absolutely. In this case, OP was in the midst of a dreadful divorce– as if dealing with his ex wife and her new lover wasn't enough, he found himself in a property predicament after she moved out.
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'[My] boyfriend was wrongfully towed from our complex, I got revenge':Tenant gets one over on towing company in rare victory

'[My] boyfriend was wrongfully towed from our complex, I got revenge':Tenant gets one over on towing company in rare victory

Parking is always a drama in hotly-contested high-density residential areas where there isn't nearly as much space as people are wanting to park their vehicles, leading to petty squabbles and growing resentment—all over a parking space that they might not even have an actual claim to. Usually, things come to a boil when park and riders, looking to take advantage of parking spaces close to the city, wise up to the free parking and begin parking to walk or bus the remaining distance, taking up re…
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'If you don't pay your bills, you don't get to keep your stuff': Credit company serves as petty revenge messenger to man's cheating ex wife; they tow and repossess her car

'If you don't pay your bills, you don't get to keep your stuff': Credit company serves as petty revenge messenger to man's cheating ex wife; they tow and repossess her car

Karma always seems to find a way, whether it's directly through a person you wrong, or in a roundabout kind of way that is a little less obvious. One man took to r/pettyrevenge to share the time his cheating ex-wife got her car repossessed and towed by a credit company that had been attempting to locate her for quite some time. He had married her young after she had gotten pregnant, and she had continuously cheated on him, to the point where he filed for divorce. In the divorce, she had asked f…
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wtf tow truck cars car accident Video - 107539969

Lady Drives Off Tow Truck During Repo, Smashes Cars

It's all bad, man.
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neighbor parks truck in neighbor's driveway and gets towed

Entitled Dad Tries To Usurp Neighbor's Driveway, Gets Towed

He was warned.
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Two truck rights car but then car immediately rolls into ditch

Tow Truck Rights Car, Rolls Right Into Ditch

Some cars just don't want to be saved.
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Cop car blocks ambulence, so the sergeant gets him towed | r/pettyrevenge Posted by u/ZZZ-Top 1 day ago Wont move patrol car let ambulance out, ill let sergeant deal with This happened around 4th July, there small fender bender and emergency services get called out. My towing company sends out by accident not realizing flatbed at scene could tow both vehicles. There one ambulance and 5 police cruisers 3 cruisers blocking road, 1 directing traffic and then asshole who showed up after scene secure

Cop Blocks Ambulance, Sergeant Gets Him Towed

Lessons were learned.
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