

'Tattoo artist slipped and... pretended it didn't happen': 25+ Top Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (June 30, 2023)

'Tattoo artist slipped and... pretended it didn't happen': 25+ Top Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (June 30, 2023)

These things are just a teensy tiny bit annoying… but they're still stuck on these people's minds. That's what the r/MildlyInfuriating subreddit is all about — sharing the small, mundane annoyances that happen in your day to day life . People have some pretty interesting complaints this week. For example, one person is annoyed that their neighbor put up a random new contraption. It's apparently supposed to rid their yard of small pests. But instead, the buzzing noise the device makes has been p…
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Top 20+ Shower Thoughts By Verdict Masterminds

Top 20+ Shower Thoughts By Verdict Masterminds

The best ideas usually pop up when you're busy chopping up vegetables on your cutting board that isn't aging well, when you can't focus in a meeting and you're starting blankly at your boss, imagining what they look like crying, and when you're standing in the shower, singing ‘And I would walk five hundred miles…’. In other words, good ideas come randomly, with no specific pattern you can discern. We like to call these ideas, ‘shower thoughts’, because as priorly stated, they do tend to show up…
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