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FailBlog's 30 Most Memes of the Week

Ayyy gals and fellas. Here's this week's most meme list, coming at ya hard and fast. Better late than never, eh? Here are a couple of responses from last week's post, which you can see here . #20 was indeed Monty Python as pointed out by “My Username” in the comments. ""First light... at dawn" has been brought to you by the department of redundancies department." user “I'm Guest" remarked in response to the tragically overused LOTR meme I included in last week's post. That's all I have time for…
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Fail Blog's Top 30 Memes of the Week (August 15, 2022)

Welcome back to another edition of Fail Blog's top memes of the week. Another day, another dollar. Another week, teetotaller. I hope that everyone has had a genuinely fantastic, banger of a weekend -filled with lots of memories and relaxation. As before, the previous iteration of this list is being lazily abandoned, but I'm going to start including my favorite comments from the previous week's post in the text in the hopes of making my job of writing something at the start of each of these some…
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