
Update: 'I'd already spoken with HR': Fridge raiding employee teams up with her dad to contact her coworker

Update: 'I'd already spoken with HR': Fridge-raiding employee teams up with her dad to get back at coworker

'[You] accused them of stealing THEIR OWN PACKAGE': Neighbors face off over cats, dogs, and stolen packages

'[You] accused them of stealing THEIR OWN PACKAGE': Neighbors squabble over cats, dogs, and stolen packages, then one neighbor involves police

'I have proof that the money was mine': Great-aunt wills money to fund family's education, family spends the money on a wedding instead

'I have proof that the money was mine': Great-aunt wills money to fund family's education, family spends the money on a wedding instead

'[I] asked why he’s eating my food, and he replies with, “Because you weren’t going to!”': Steak-stealing roommate leaves housemate baffled, thief embarrasses himself in front of dinner guest

'[I] asked why he’s eating my food, and he replies with, “Because you weren’t going to!”': Steak-stealing roommate leaves housemate baffled, thief embarrasses himself in front of dinner guest

'That's justice — dad style': Neighborhood thief steals kids' dolls, until their dad intervenes

'That's justice — dad style': Neighborhood thief steals kids' dolls, until their dad intervenes

AITA for calling my neighbor and her daughter entitled, spoiled brats?

'They are entitled brats': Teen lets spoiled neighbor kids in her bedroom, immediately regrets it

AITA For suing my girlfriend after she had my 1967 impala project taken to the scrapyard?

Toxic GF steals dude's beloved car and hauls it to junk yard

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'So then you’re the one who’s been stealing?': One guy's devious plan to catch his roommate stealing

pro revenge workplace-stories revenge work coworkers client workplace Horrible Bosses bad bosses theft employment - 19087877

Bad Boss Steals Super Bowl Tickets, Loses Client and Pays Hefty Price

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"It was the least I could do considering all the sh*t I used to steal from here": Dwayne Johnson Buys Hundreds of Candy Bars From His Childhood 7-Eleven in a Wholesome Act of Redemption

(Update) to my nephews stealing cans from my shed. My eldest nephew went mental on my house

Update! 'There was broken glass everywhere': Can-stealing delinquent nephew gets arrested after trashing uncle's home

AITA for wanting my sister to pay me back for the cans her kids stole from my shed?

Thieving delinquent nephews steal coveted can collection, guy threatens to call police when they won't pay him back

pro revenge copyright art revenge digital theft - 16609285

Trending Topic: Digital Art Thief Gets Career Brutally Destroyed After He Infringes On an Artist's Work

AITA for wanting to sue my husband's sister for losing my 2k camera at the beach?

Insane Sister-In-Law Steals $2k Camera, Family Takes Her Side, Woman Seeking to File Suit

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Scumbag Family Members Steal Woman's Savings, Deny It, Beaten By Evidence

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Maintenance Worker Discovers Company is Illegally Stealing Wages, He Ensures They Have to Backpay Every Cent of the $700,000 Owed