
the past

funny millennial memes | Royalty @OhThatsRoyalty this old Windows Media Player visualizations | Marina Ayano K @even_kei Kids these days will never know hardships each week having overcook fresh hardboiled egg yolk computer mouse

Millennial Memes For Those Kids Hovering Around 30

Those were the days.
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things young people won't have to do because technology has changed

Things Kids These Days Will Never Experience

We're all shaped by inconvenience.
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moments and images of things that young people wouldn't understand

Twitter Thread: People Show Their Age With Things Young People Wouldn't Get

Those were, uh, some days.
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funny history memes | caveman eats berry and dies agony other cavemen be like Write down, write down! Spongebob and Patrick | nuclear blast 0330 wooden desk Kids during Cold War Spider man stopping a train

History Memes That Are Better Than Book Learning

At least they're more fun.
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Twitter thread brings back nostalgia of elementary school in the 90s | melina @melmadara bringing back weird memories elementary school THREAD 9:55 am 3/3/20 Twitter iPhone 102K Retweets 541K Likes. melina @melmadara were these why are they so familiar

Nostalgic Twitter Thread Is a Voyage Through The Past

The memories! They're so powerful!
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