

 family drama meals aita thanksgiving meal family vegan happy thanksgiving vegans tofu Turkey

'My mom thinks I’m putting turkey over my own family': Siblings squabble over vegan turkey dinner for Thanksgiving meal

This family is having a major argument over what to eat for a holiday meal ! Each family has their own unique traditions and menus for their holidays. For many people, the meat depends on the holiday: for some, ham is reserved for Easter, while cooking a big turkey is reserved for Thanksgiving and Christmas. You've got to have a lot of side dishes too: many people eat mashed potatoes, green beans, cornbread, cranberry sauce, collard greens, sweet yams, beans, or myriad other dishes. That way, e…
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family families family-drama drama story stories kids kid parent parents parenting siblings sibling cousins sister brother mom dad host drama thanksgiving family-party parties reddit aita

'Never overstay your welcome': Couple reverse guilt-trips their inconsiderate family when they refuse to host another messy family gathering

Once the family got a little too comfortable in their host's home, things got stickier than the kid's table mac and cheese spilled on their opulent Berber rug
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‘She’s not leaving': Roommates invite evicted neighbor to stay with them for 2 weeks, but once they pass, neighbor doesn't leave

‘She’s not leaving': Roommates invite evicted neighbor to stay with them for 2 weeks, she doesn't pay a dime and then refuses to leave

People like to think of themselves as 'good people', and will go to great lengths to prove to themselves and others that they are decent, kind, welcoming, and helpful. Then comes a day when they wish they could take it all back, and that is usually the day when all their kindness comes back to bite them… Hard. In this case, a few roommates heard that their neighbor was being evicted, and it being Thanksgiving, they just didn't think it was right to leave her out in the cold. So, they did what a…
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‘I hope you are ready to lose your job’: Hotel guest demands front desk clerk provide Thanksgiving meal, then tells her 'she will be fired' when met with refusal

‘I hope you are ready to lose your job’: Hotel guest demands front desk clerk provide Thanksgiving meal, then tells her 'she will be fired' when met with refusal

One guest got up on the wrong side of the bed one morning, and decided to take it out on a poor front desk clerk, who could only reply with the corporate script she had been given. The guest was aghast when she found out that the hotel did not provide a Thanksgiving meal, and promptly demanded a discount. It was not the hotel clerk's first rodeo, and she politely explained to the guest that with all due respect, the hotel was not required to provide a Thanksgiving meal… Obviously, the Karen gue…
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'This was a gift to myself': Woman lets her kids spill paint on her sister-in-law's expensive fabric, replaces it with cheap cloth as an apology

'This was a gift to myself': Woman lets her kids spill paint on her sister-in-law's expensive fabric, replaces it with cheap cloth as an apology

This SIL went out of her way to use the wrong “tablecloth.”
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'They decided that a 16-year-old should work 30 hours in 4 days': Understaffed employer gaslights teen into working all Thanksgiving weekend

If you have ever worked part-time or seasonal jobs, you know how hectic schedules can get, especially during holidays when most people take time off to travel or be with their family. The open shifts are sadly diverted to the few employees who can still work, leaving them slammed with overtime for their so-called part-time gig.
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'Grandma accidentally poured dish soap on the turkey instead of oil': 25+ Thanksgiving celebrations gone totally wrong that the family will laugh about for years to come

'Grandma accidentally poured dish soap on the turkey instead of oil': 25+ Thanksgiving celebrations gone totally wrong that the family will laugh about for years to come

Nothing creates treasured memories faster than someone ruining a Thanksgiving turkey in front of the whole family. Hosting Thanksgiving is a big job. Even if you assign some relatives a food to bring, you suddenly realize, “Uh oh… I'm the one who has to make the turkey.” When you're cooking a giant turkey like that, there are specific rules you need to follow. It needs to defrost, be stuffed and basted, then put in the oven for a certain amount of hours, depending on the weight. I can't speak f…
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'My stepmother sabotaged my stepsister's cooking': 15 tales of Thanksgiving family drama

'My stepmother sabotaged my stepsister's cooking': 15 tales of Thanksgiving family drama

There is no such thing as Thanksgiving without a little family drama. It's part of what makes this Holiday so memorable. I'll always remember the year a family member wasn't allowed to leave the hotel room because they were under the weather. Then, there's that time someone spilled a side dish all over my hair. And who could forget the time no one wanted to ask the old lady in the room if she had changed out of her onesie at all the whole weekend? This kind of family tension is perhaps the most…
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‘She thought she was being super clever’: Employee tattles to the boss as a power move to force coworker to cover her Thanksgiving shift, ends up duping herself instead

It's that time of the year again, everybody! When you work at a place that needs to keep running during the holidays. This can include the service industry, retail, and even tech! Bet you have never even thought about how sight security and coding needs to continue smoothly even during the holidays. That means employees are trading shifts left and right to try and get a day off to spend with their loved ones. Most places you can just discuss it like adults amongst your coworkers and figure out…
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'My father has to have "Peanut Butter Salad" every Thanksgiving': 20 Turkey-day dishes that will go untouched for the the whole day

'My father has to have "Peanut Butter Salad" every Thanksgiving': 20 Turkey-day dishes that will go untouched for the the whole day

Each family has at least one cherished memory of the time someone botched Thanksgiving dinner really badly. You know the kind of story: an aunt promises to bake the turkey , and roasts it for 6 hours… in a cold oven. Or maybe you had a dad who was so proud of his fresh apple pie, only to immediately drop it on the floor, where the dog then ate it. These Thanksgiving memories are often infuriating in the moment, and then become hilarious family memories as soon as the fam eaten their proper holi…
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'Only a few more mental breakdowns till Christmas': 20 back-to-work memes after the Holiday weekend

'Only a few more mental breakdowns till Christmas': 20 back-to-work memes after the Holiday weekend

How are we expected to just go back to work like this?
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40 Hilariously weird shirts to drive your relatives crazy at Thanksgiving dinner

40 Hilariously weird shirts to drive your relatives crazy at Thanksgiving dinner

Thanksgiving is a time for many American families to gather together and have a pleasant meal and maybe play some football in the yard. As you settle in to eat some turkey and mashed potatoes, the whole family gets to talking. And then suddenly you're arguing politics with your crazy aunt while your uncle hands out slices of pumpkin pie . It seems like there is always some kind of disagreement between families when they gather for the holidays - a mix of different generations and traditions can…
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AITA for wanting my son and DIL come stay with me for Christmas.

'I snapped on my son and told him it was unacceptable': Demanding mother guilts son and daughter-in-law for not coming to Christmas

All I want for Christmas is not you!
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Funniest Boozy Memes for People Who Can Turn Any Gathering Into a Lit Function

Funniest Boozy Memes for People Who Can Turn Any Gathering Into a Lit Function

Bringing 3 bottles of wine to a one-year-olds birthday seems about right
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Scheduled a single employee to cover the store on Black Friday. | Cellular store leaves employee to work by themself on Black Friday, they quit and leave this note on the door

'The store is closed': Cellular store leaves employee to work by themself on Black Friday, they quit and leave this note on the door

Working retail on busy holidays sucks — doubly so when understaffed.
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Karen blames restaurant after she burns her own pie, gets roasted in the comments

'How many DAYS did you cook it for?': Karen blames restaurant after she burns her own pie, gets roasted in the comments

One of those moments when you have no one to blame but yourself... but decide to blame someone else anyways… Most people have the ability to admit that they made a mistake and own up to their own failings. Mind you, it's not something that's easy to do; the ol' ego has a particular aversion to acknowledging any wrongdoing or fault. Most of us can push past the ego gremlin and own our mistakes, but there are certain entitled and narcissistic people on this planet who, if you asked them, would te…
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