
10 cringe-inducing moments that'll make you squirm in your seat.

12 Full-Fledged Idiots Who Plagued Social Media With Cringe

Super creepy guy texts girl he spies on her through window and other weird facts.

Super Creep Texts Girl That He Spies On Her Through Window And Other WTF Facts

man accuses girlfriend of cheating

Guy Suspects Girlfriend of Cheating, Goes on Ridiculous Text Rant and Enjoys Unexpected Payoff

Collection of funny wrong number texts that left us very entertained.

12 Perfect Responses To Entertaining Wrong Number Texts

Desperate idiot defends cheating on his girlfriend with elaborate texts about how he had to save the world from cancer.

Desperate Idiot Defends Cheating on Girlfriend Cause "He Had to Save World From Cancer"

Guy gets angry wrong number text and it goes viral overnight.

Guy Gets Ridiculous Angry Text From Wrong Number, Goes Viral Instantly

Guy Trolls Phone Thief After They Text Him Trying to Get The Password and Tricks Them Into Turning The Phone In

Guy Trolls Phone Thief After They Text Him Trying to Get The Password and Tricks Them Into Turning The Phone In

Guy's girlfriend freaks out on him after he chooses to play "Destiny" video game instead of hanging out with her.

Boyfriend Chooses "Destiny" Video Game Over Hanging With Girlfriend, Evokes Wild Ragestorm

Guy Texts His Girlfriend the King of Queens Theme Song and She Totally Buys It

Guy Texts His Girlfriend the King of Queens Theme Song and She Totally Buys It

Collection of texting conversations that are so full of FAIL it's ridiculous.

11 Texting Conversations That'll Make You Worry For Humanity Itself

Guy texts girlfriend King of Queens lyrics and the internet steps in to help him out on Twitter.

Guy Texts His Girlfriend Lyrics to King of Queens Theme Song, and Twitter Joins In Perfectly

Guy sends woman inappropriate comment asking what kind of penis she likes and she proceeds to troll him

Woman Epically Trolls a Creep Who Won't Stop Sending Her Inappropriate Messages On Facebook

Guy Texts What He Thinks Is A Spambot and Gets Emotionally Scarred Instead

Guy Texts What He Thinks Is A Spambot and Gets Emotionally Scarred By Dick Bot Instead

Girl witnesses a woman sexting at a baseball game and leaves a note for her husband

Cheating Wife Busted While Sexting At A Baseball Game

Woman has hilariously creative texting conversation with a creepy guy that keeps asking her for "sexy roleplay."

Chick Handles Dude's Thirsty Text Requests For "Sexy Roleplay" Like a Pro

trolling conversation prank ridiculous texting - 3190789

People Are Trolling Their Moms With Ridiculous Texting Prank and It's Glorious