

teens class school classes teaching learning papers teachers teacher kids these days cheating test high school exam exams - 35798533

'Exam time starts and I whip out my 3D glasses': Determined student creates masterful workaround for teacher's test-taking rule

Admittedly, this is probably the coolest way you could cheat on a test . It's certainly out of the ordinary! Students are endlessly inventive when it comes to their schoolwork. These days, kids are using the internet to guide them to the right answers and to write the perfect papers for them. But before that, they had to get creative with just a pen and paper. U/Sarcastic_Otter had a high school teacher back in the 1980s who was kind enough to let students bring a 3x5 notecard full of notes to…
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‘I won’t walk 3 miles, forget it': Teenager leaves brother stranded for 3 hours after his exam, pocketing the money their mother gave him to get home

‘I won’t walk 3 miles, forget it': Teenager leaves brother stranded for 3 hours after his exam, pocketing the money their mother gave him to get home

Being a teenager is bad enough when you don't have a sibling who thinks everyone should bow down to them. And on that note, this story is about sibling rivalry at its finest. One 15-year-old uploaded screenshots of a baffling conversation he had with his condescending sister who left him stranded for 3 hours at school after an exam he had. Apparently, their kindhearted mother had given his sister some money to use to get an Uber for him once he'd finished his exam. The money was meant for that,…
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‘Mom, am I adopted?’: Twin sisters take genetic test only to discover they share no DNA, parents refuse to admit that one of them is adopted

‘Mom, am I adopted?’: Twin sisters take genetic test only to discover they share no DNA, parents refuse to admit that one of them is adopted

Siblings should always tease one another, that is pretty much the most basic rule in the siblings' rule book. One of the common ways to tease your younger siblings is by telling them they are actually adopted, and coming up with the most elaborate story for what happened with their actual birth parents, hiding their baby pictures, and sometimes even asking your parents to go along with it. The girl in this Reddit story discovered that her life is not far from being a big adoption prank, except…
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'We never intended to hire you': Company calls job candidate into office to take a test, only to tell them they never intended on hiring them in the first place

'We never intended to hire you': Company calls job candidate into office to take a test, only to tell them they never intended on hiring them in the first place

Companies will play on your feelings and mess you about, and often you won't be the wiser. So many job listings today don't exist. Companies post them to make it look like they're growing their business, or because they want to do some market research, or get free labor. There are so many reasons you can't trust the hiring process nowadays, but when you're looking for a job, you have no choice but to play along until you get an offer. That can take months, if not longer. This candidate showed u…
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Top 25+ Exam Mistakes From Immature Students Who Didn’t Study

Top 25+ Exam Mistakes From Immature Students Who Didn’t Study

Sometimes, there is no point in pretending you know the answer on a test. Perhaps you didn't study or perhaps you're just drawing a blank. For whatever reason, you have absolutely no idea what to say and you can't even venture an educated guess. At this point, you know you're not getting any points on this question (and maybe even on the whole test). So, what does one do in this situation? Do you leave the question blank? Do you waste time trying to fabricate an educated guess despite the fact…
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'I made him too insecure': Guy dumps girlfriend after she scores higher on IQ test

'I made him too insecure': Guy dumps girlfriend after she scores higher on IQ test

It's no secret that people can feel insecure in relationships. This can manifest in many ways, but when it comes to intellectual insecurity, sometimes there is nothing you can do to make your partner feel secure in their own intelligence. Perhaps it's all in their head, in which case, this person is too insecure to date. Whatever you do, do not dumb yourself down for this person. Or perhaps none of this in their head, and your partner really is not the brightest bulb. If that's the case, depend…
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'If I were your wife I’d ask for an IQ test': Podcast advice causes new father to ruin his marriage

'If I were your wife I’d ask for an IQ test': Podcast advice causes new father to ruin his marriage

If you're asking the internet, “Did I ruin my marriage?” the answer may already be clear.
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jobs job testing quiz lunch test workplace job interview interview skiing dumb questions questions culture - 24661765

'Why are companies doing this?': Job-seeker shows weird questions they were asked in online questionaire

Why in the world was this job seeker asked such odd questions? They aren't sure either, and they took to Reddit to see if other people are also doing personality quizzes while applying for jobs. No one ever said it was easy to apply for jobs. Even using that “easy apply” option that submits your resume with one click doesn't help---a lot of companies follow up with their own questions. Or, like this job-seeker found out, they want you to take a lengthy personality test so they can figure out if…
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school students college students Professors test exams missing schools email emails message - 23605509

'Our physics exams were accidentally thrown out': Thousands of students discover their testing center trashed their final exams

About 15,200 students got an unfortunate email from their college . After several semesters of college, it's that time of year once again: finals. Final exams are notorious on college campuses, and many of them build events around it. At my college, the campus coffee shop would remain open 24/7 during finals week. There were a surprising amount of students joining me at 2 AM to study and churn out last-minute papers. In addition, the school would hold events where you could destress by petting…
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'I stood up abruptly... there was a stunned silence': High school class's grades plummet after one student flips the script and gives everyone the wrong answers during their final history exam

'I stood up abruptly... there was a stunned silence': High school class's grades plummet after one student flips the script and gives everyone the wrong answers during their final history exam

Hey there, Ms. Smith, if you're reading, yes, I one hundred percent was peeking at Sophie's test that time you pulled me aside and gave me a big fat zero with a smiley inside, just to be petty. You stared at me with your beady little eyes and breathed angrily into my face, and I in turn, totally lied and adamantly held my ground that I did not cheat on the test. Today, I'll admit… I was the kid who copied off of other students' tests. I did not take school seriously, and that did not change, ev…
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'They folded quickly': Car dealership tells doctor she can't test drive a vehicle without her husband

'They folded quickly': Car dealership tells doctor she can't test drive a vehicle without her husband

This doctor was trying to buy a car , but she ran into an infuriating issue at the dealership. Buying a new car is a huge decision. You have to think about everything you'll be doing with your new vehicle, from taking the kids to soccer practice to loading up the truck with groceries and everything in between. Will you be filling your car with friends to go off-roading, or do you mainly just drive to the mall or the library? There are a lot of questions to ask yourself… but “Am I allowed to tes…
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'If we all agree to this, then we can all get perfect scores': Professor with bizarre grading policy gets schooled after students game the system, giving everyone a perfect score

'If we all agree to this, then we can all get perfect scores': Professor with bizarre grading policy gets schooled after students game the system, giving everyone a perfect score

Imagine taking a test where the factually correct answer was irrelevant and what actually mattered was saying what the majority of the class said. This might be a fun exercise. Perhaps it could be a lesson about plurality and group decision-making. However, facts should matter, and just because the majority of the students in a class may think that the U.S. Constitution was ratified in 1776, that doesn't make it true. Just in case you're curious, the Constitution was devised in 1787, ratified i…
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'Ok fine, goodbye, go home': Student finishes exam early, teacher makes him stay, he maliciously complies and makes teacher regret their demand

'Ok fine, goodbye, go home': Student finishes exam early, teacher makes him stay, he maliciously complies and makes teacher regret their demand

Not to be a rebel here, but some teachers have the most nonsensical rules that are almost begging to be challenged. Sure, there are some understandable classroom policies that make sense, such as rules about phones, laptops, and cheating (the lattermost rule being don't do it). However, when it comes to having to sit around and do nothing just because some teacher told you that you have to, it just feels like a waste of time and energy for everyone involved. It's a waste of the student's time,…
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'Teacher lost it': Student realizes he can get 100% on the final exam through extra credit alone, maliciously complies, infuriates teacher

'Teacher lost it': Student realizes he can get 100% on the final exam through extra credit alone, maliciously complies, infuriates teacher

Teachers should be careful when assigning extra credit. They just might get exactly what they asked for… There will always be students in this world who work hard, who complete every assignment to the best of their ability, and who impress their teachers to no end. And then there are the students who don't work hard but who work smart . This Redditor certainly falls into the latter category. He also had a gift for memorization. So when his English teacher said that students would receive points…
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'I offered a solution': Student requests algebra teacher regrade paper, teacher gives her lower grade

'I offered a solution': Student demands algebra teacher regrade paper, teacher gives her lower grade

This student was very insistent about her grades … maybe she should've also been a little nicer to the professor, though. U/Ancient_Educator_76 is a college professor who is, in their own words, super petty. However, they claim they're also nice to their students, and since they realize their students are trying their hardest, they tend to be kind when they're grading papers and tests . It's all about manners, though. The professor has a student named Mara who asks inane questions, interrupts t…
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'Their parents overwork them to ensure the A+': Teacher forced to assign extra credit to appease helicopter parents, assigns lengthy tasks to get back at them

'Their parents overwork them to ensure the A+': Teacher forced to assign extra credit to appease helicopter parents, assigns lengthy tasks to get back at them

When everyone in the class is getting an A, is extra credit really necessary? We've all heard of these kinds of schools where the parents are always the invisible presence in the room. Once upon a time, I used to work as a tutor for high school students and experienced the full range of entitled behavior from students and parents alike. No matter what the specifics were, the grades were never high enough and the essays were never strong enough. The students I had were often (though not always)…
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