
terrible neighbors

karens neighbors drama neighbor-stories neighborhood neighborhood-drama terrible neighbors entitled Bad Neighbor karen entitled people neighbor parking space parking - 21192453

'We always parked at least one of our cars in front of her house': Karen calls cops on neighbor for parking in their driveway, they park in front of her house instead

Be careful what you wish for… because you might get exactly what you wanted—even if it's not specifically what you had pictured. There's something about depositing our two-ton chunk of steel in a specific location that brings out the most primal traits in us, prompting territorial feuds between neighbors that inevitably escalate to ridiculous levels. Even if we technically have no ownership over that specific location, it still triggers feral rage when another monkey deposits their two-ton chun…
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Top 25 Mildly Infuriating Fails of the Week

Top 25 Mildly Infuriating Fails of the Week

Tsk, tsk, testing our patience again, are we? Welcome to this week's top mildly infuriating fails. We don't take the word ‘mildly’ lightly, as the fails below aren't the end of the world, but they are a pesky nuisance. Sometimes things don't go as planned, an annoying neighbor butts his nose up in your business, or Karen believes she gave birth to you. Whatever it may be, something is always the matter. Maybe we're entitled, or bored, or expect too much of the universe. Perhaps it is precisely…
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‘Don’t worry, I'll take care of it': Resident gets even with neighbor who demands he keeps grass clippings off landscape pavers

‘Don’t worry, I'll take care of it': Resident gets even with neighbor who demands he keeps grass clippings off landscape pavers

Have you ever attempted to do the good, right thing, only to be lectured and criticized by someone who fails to recognize that you're doing them both a favor? OP was living on a city block of semi-detached houses with tiny front yards, and like anyone else, he appreciated a nice, clean aesthetic look in front of his own home. So he went about cutting his own grass when he realized that it would only take him an extra 5 minutes to do his neighbor's yard as well. This neighbor wasn't living on th…
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‘Buy me a fridge, or I’ll fine you': Man builds shed on neighbor's property line, neighbor's wife demands new $2,200 refrigerator in exchange for property line adjustment

'Buy me a fridge, or I'll fine you': Resident pays neighbor $2,200 for new refrigerator in exchange for property line adjustment after he built a shed on neighbor's fence

Certain neighbors aren't especially keen on acting under your city's local zoning rules and regulations; often you find yourself in a bit of a pickle with people you have to see on a near-daily basis. This neighbor in particular built his shed that was supposed to be at least 10 ft from his OP's property line, right on his property line, a foot off his fence. OP approached this neighbor who had a ready excuse at the tip of his tongue, claiming that because of the slope of his yard and a drainag…
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arly update: Since my previous post, I've received a second note stuck to my window. I'm not sure what to make of it as it's more or less the same style of letter,

Update! 'You are being given a warning': Woman receives passive aggressive note from neighbor demanding removal of decorative fake plants

All's well that ends well, I suppose. But is this really going to be the end of the dispute?
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hoa neighbors neighborhood terrible neighbors viral toxic-neighbors neighbor terrible-neighbor - 1782279

'You must within 2 days minimum': Neighbor's demand that woman remove fake plants from her porch goes viral

Come again?
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neighbors revenge vinyl-fence funeral home petty revenge terrible neighbors city-counsel outsmart tall-fence homeowners city-requirements lawyer neighborhood city-ordinance law - 19983365

'They owned a funeral home, but I buried them with pettiness': Funeral homeowners attempt to outmaneuver neighborly opponent in regards to 8 foot tall fence, 5 years of petty revenge ensue

Neighborly relationships need to be built on mutual trust, respect, and understanding, but some neighbors take a bitter approach and leave you with a sour taste in your mouth, right off the bat. This was the case for a Redditor who was approached by new funeral home owners with a three-page-long agreement about a fence they wanted to build, bordering on his property. He told them he'd need to go over the documents before he signed them, but they pushed him to sign them that very instant. He fla…
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'Fine, I'll hire a goat instead' : HOA forbids man to hire a company for yardwork, cue malicious compliance, he ‘hires’ a goat for $20

'Fine, I'll hire a goat instead' : HOA forbids man to hire a company for yardwork, cue malicious compliance, he ‘hires’ a goat for $20

Housing communities frequently have what is called a ‘homeowner association', backed up by strict, often stupid bylaws. This man lived in a neighborhood where the HOA literally planted little flags in front of lawns to make sure everyone understood perfectly just how tall their grass was ‘allowed to get’. In other words, this HOA was the epitome of a densely rigid association. Now, this man hated to mow his lawn… and when I say hated, I mean to say he despised it.
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‘We Built a Wall’ : Woman Sees Snow as Opportunity for Revenge on Meddling Neighbor, Building Icy Barrier, Nine and a Half Feet Tall

‘We Built a Wall’ : Woman Sees Snow as Opportunity for Revenge on Meddling Neighbor, Building Icy Barrier, Nine and a Half Feet Tall

While some people may see an inconvenience as a problem, others see it as an opportunity to get back at their terrible neighbors. One person held this attitude, and it certainly got her far in terms of petty revenge. She lived next to an older couple, who lived above their car restoration business (this part is relevant because their business was fronted right on the sidewalk, running the entire length and width of their property). The thing was, their garage door was in the middle of the front…
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‘I’m Gonna Get You for This...’ : Man Enacts Petty Plot for Revenge Following Property Damage Inflicted by Tyrannical Neighbor

‘I’m Gonna Get You for This...’ : Man Enacts Petty Plot for Revenge Following Property Damage Inflicted by Tyrannical Neighbor

Not everyone is blessed with thoughtful, or at least kind , neighbors. Some of us have to deal with the tyrannical sort, the people who make life difficult when it really doesn't have to be. One guy took to Reddit, sharing his infuriating experience with an entitled neighbor of his. See, he was coming home from a late shift one night, and there was no parking available because of an event in the neighborhood. Tired, frustrated, and exhausted from work, he decided to park in front of his neighbo…
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AITA for not paying for my neighbors child's medical bills? | We bought our new house last year. When we first viewed the house, we noticed bikes and children's toys in the driveway and on the side yard. At our final walkthrough before we signed the final documents and got the keys, we noticed kids in the driveway coloring with sidewalk chalk and riding scooters and bikes. We introduced ourselves to the kids and asked where they lived, they pointed at the house next door.

'The neighbor came out screaming at me': Insane neighbor insists guy pays children's medical bills after kids play in his driveway despite repeated warnings

When "Get off my lawn!" is a rational request—rather than a disgruntled outcry from an aging croquet enthusiast.
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