
terrible neighbors

Man demands neighbor to detach their hose from his water supply after a month of freeloading, neighbors refuse to acknowledge their wrongs

‘My wife only uses like 3¢ of water’: Greedy neighbors freeload off of man's water supply for a month without his knowledge, then throw a fit when he puts his foot down

"Even if he really is correct about it being a minute amount of money, that means that it shouldn't be any problem for *them* to pay it."
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hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor hoa members hoa stories hoa scandal homeownership landowner

Homeowner finds a "well loophole" allowing them to leave their HOA by connection to municipal water: 'We rallied 44 people on our street'

We all answer to a higher power, but the more that we can pretend we don't and have some control and agency over our own lives, the happier we tend to be. Whether it's the plain old government authority boss, coach, parents, or that pesky HOA having or at least feeling like you have some control over your own life, the better you're going to feel about it.
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'It is not my job to continuously walk over and deliver him things': Entitled tenant refuses to change wrong address on package deliveries, neighbor starts eating his food

'It is not my job to continuously walk over and deliver him things': Entitled tenant refuses to change wrong address on package deliveries, neighbor starts eating his food

Getting someone else's mail is one of those things that is bound to happen when you live in an apartment building or complex. Most of the time, it's an innocent mistake. However, if it begins to become a repeated occurrence, something else may be afloat. This Redditor discovered that another tenant in the building was using his address for package and food deliveries. After a few instances in which the Redditor walked over to the tenant's apartment and hand-delivered said packages, he asked the…
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hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor evicted renting

Apartment dweller gets terrible neighbor evicted, putting an effective end to his business: 'Pure bliss watching him pack up his car and leave for the last time'

City living is a different beast than other kinds of living; the high-density population leads to close proximity to other people at pretty much all times. Also, offering the unique opportunity to live in an apartment directly above a business like you're in some sort of 90s sitcom. While living in a sitcom sounds nice, the fact remains that in this type of living situation, even in your own bed, you're only really a few feet away from another person, either next to, above, or below you—separat…
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Man enacts petty revenge on package-stealing neighbor by packing up junk and leaving it on his doorstep, giving the neighbor the comeuppance he deserves

’He took the bait’: Package-stealing neighbor gets owned when man ‘get[s] creative’ by filling fake packages up with junk to teach neighbor a lesson about theft

"The best way to deal with a thief is to get a little creative."
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Wacky neighbor takes it upon herself to donate woman's package to a thrift store, woman reports her and gets reimbursed, ending up on top

‘Is this not crazy behavior?’: Audacious neighbor sneakily donates woman's package to Goodwill, containing her son's Halloween costume

This neighbor even kept part of the costume for herself!
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landowner hoa neighbors land owner neighborhood home owners association homeowner homeownership new homeowners neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor home owner neighbor - 37069317

'We're going to court? OK!': Developer and their HOA gets "throat punched repeatedly" by fines after threatening landowners for refusing to sell

With progress comes expansion, and with expansion comes development… the bounds of society creeping beyond where they once were, bringing with them change. We'd like to think that this change is always good, but the reality is that it's not always for the better. Opportunists will be right there waiting to strike when the shifting sands of time and change bring them the chance to take advantage. When this couple bought their dream piece of land out in the middle of nowhere, they completed the p…
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'They're practically strangers on my property': Antisocial neighbor gets called out for sneakily parking their car in man's driveway while he's not home, man is seeking recourse

‘They’re practically strangers on my property’: Man calls out sneaky neighbor for parking their car in his driveway every week while he's not home, is seeking recourse to send a message

"Our across-the-street neighbors also have approximately 6 cars: 3 in their driveway, 2 inside the garage, 1 they park in front of the curb by my house."
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‘Boozy boomerang’ neighbor gets owned when upstanding citizen puts his vehicle on car lifts to prevent him from parking while under the influence, a true happy ending for all

Man is fed up with neighbor who constantly parks his car while under the influence, so he puts his vehicle on car lifts and proves himself as an upstanding citizen

"It took him a solid week to figure out why his car wasn’t moving."
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Entitled neighbor starts a neighborly dispute after burying junk in a nice couples yard, couple is furious and seeking revenge

Neighbor sneakily buries his ‘junk’ water heater on a nice couple's land despite them informing him that he's 15ft short of his property line: ‘Obviously, we’re furious’

Someone call the EPA!
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homeowner homeownership homeowners hoa neighbors neighborhood neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor aita amitheahole

Rural homeowner flies off the handle when she sees a drone hovering over her property, wonders if she's wrong: 'People don't like it when strange men fly drones over their fenced backyards'

There's nothing better than being in your own home and experiencing what it feels like to be utterly and completely alone, with no one around to perceive you, judge you, or otherwise consider your existence and what you might happen to be doing. Hanging out enjoying a peaceful afternoon doing some home maintenance outside, and suddenly your ears are bombarded by an infernal whirring outside as if 10,000 angry bees have suddenly descended upon the peace you were enjoying, and looking up, you see…
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Entitled neighbors steal family's bench swing that was swept into their yard by a flood, refuse to let family retrieve it but continues to use the stolen property

Extreme weather sweeps family's bench swing into their neighbor's yard, neighbor puts up 'no trespassing’ signs and begins to use their bench swing so they can't retrieve it

"They didn't even offer to give it back after not letting us get it, they just took it and used it."
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ask reddit feud neighbors neighborhood neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories reddit story terrible neighbors uncomfortable entitled reddit thread Bad Neighbor r-entitled Reddit weird strange behavior entitled people neighbor conflict - 36976645

‘We cut them off’: Man's entitled neighbors think they can keep using his well water for free after their's dried up, claims there's ‘no time’ to fix it but man puts his foot down

"They've clearly brought this on themselves with heavy irresponsible water use."
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Neighbor digs through man's mailbox everyday to hand-deliver mail to him, man is fed up and brainstorms a way forward

Nosy neighbor repeatedly goes through man's mailbox and hand-delivers mail at all hours of the day, man takes extreme measures in an effort to deter him: ‘This guy is wild’

"I seriously can't, I've had nightmares about this guy trying to open the **** front door."
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hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 36960261

IT Guy hijacks loud neighbor's wifi, using his unfettered access to get even: 'He never changed the default router password'

For some reason, it almost always seems like your Wi-Fi signal at home is the strongest in the least convenient places, and it leaves you wondering if wireless technology is really so great anyway. Like why does the corner of my kitchen, which should be one of the furthest points from my router, have some of the strongest connections? It might also occur that you happen to visit your neighbor's house next door only to notice that your phone is still connected to your wifi and receiving a better…
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'Never come back through my back garden again': Entitled neighbors repeatedly use resident's garden and bathroom without asking while their home is under construction

'Never come back through my back garden again': Entitled neighbors repeatedly use resident's garden and bathroom without asking while their home is under construction

Neighbors are usually there to help each other out in times of need… well, to a certain extent. Sure, if you need to borrow a broom or some sugar temporarily, that's usually acceptable. However, just dropping by unannounced and without warning on a consistent basis in order to make intrusive demands is not something most folks are going to welcome. Here , we have new residents who saw that their adjacent neighbors were going through renovations. Well, apparently that meant that the Redditor and…
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