

'I ran into him at his own retail job': Worker gets even with customer who works in retail, demands 'good service'

'I ran into him at his own retail job': Worker gets even with customer who works in retail, demands 'good service'

Retail work is one of the most demanding jobs in the customer service industry, and it doesn't take a genius to fathom why. Employees have to deal with daily Karens, a variety of other rude customers that don't quite fit the 'Karen category', lazy managers, and daft coworkers. OP was working a retail job in the paint department when a rude, condescending customer marched in, demanding a color match from a random home depot sign that was bolted into a metal counter. OP explained to the customer…
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'She demanded my manager fire me on the spot' : Entitled customer karen has meltdown and calls corporate following barista's savage confession

'She demanded my manager fire me on the spot' : Entitled customer Karen has meltdown and calls corporate following barista's savage confession

Karens enjoy being given attention (albeit negative), and unfortunately, it tends to come at other people's expense. Especially those who work in customer service, AKA baristas, servers, retail workers, etc. This Karen picked the wrong day to mess with this barista, as it was the employee's last day. Karen had a constant rude, demeaning attitude, making employees and customers hate her alike. So it couldn't have been that much of a surprise that this employee snapped. But of course, we're talki…
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‘I Only Went Out to Lunch!’ : Karen Takes Car From Leasing Company for 2 Hour Test Ride Adding 60 Miles to Odometer, Ignores All Attempts at Means of Communication, Leading to Police Getting Involved

‘I Only Went Out to Lunch!’ : Karen Takes Car From Leasing Company for 2 Hour Test Ride Adding 60 Miles to Odometer, Ignores All Attempts at Means of Communication, Leading to Police Getting Involved

Like all establishments, an automobile company has rules and policies. It seems entirely plausible (generally speaking,) that people would understand a little thing called the 'rule of thumb'. AKA, the unspoken agreement. But unfortunately, not everyone is very bright. There are many possible conclusions one may come to when a car seemingly evaporates into thin air. When you disappear for two hours when taking a car out for a test drive, and ignore all of the staff's attempts at reaching out to…
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