

'Boss threw out 7+ years of employee files': 25+ Employees with completely nonsensical bosses

'Boss threw out 7+ years of employee files... because she hated paper': 25+ Employees with completely nonsensical bosses

If you've ever had a boss that you are clearly smarter than, you know it can get pretty awkward really fast. We all want to think we're super smart and sophisticated, especially in the workplace . Many people try really hard to appear on top of things and in tune with exactly what's going on at their workplace from day to day. However, some bosses just don't care. It's baffling — they'll have a whole job that involves giving a darn about a workplace, and yet they'll happily sit in a back office…
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corporate workplace-stories in-the-workplace terrible-bosses workplace Horrible Bosses corporate-life employment - 21932037

'I was called in to explain my "long lunch" to my boss': Worker reprimanded for doing work errands to help the business during their lunch

It's a bummer when well-intentioned actions lead to unexpected consequences… This worker would occasionally go out and buy office supplies for their colleagues. It was a kind gesture that seemed to them to be constructive to the business. Unfortunately, their boss didn't seem to care about the benefits, only taking issue with the simple fact that they were absent for longer than the duration that their lunch break allowed. You know, the typical controlling manager nonsense. In response, the bos…
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boss workplace-stories toxic-workplace job terrible-bosses bad jobs toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit - 21601541

'Can I tell my job the REAL reason why I’m leaving?': Man is ready to quit thanks to his wildly difficult new boss

This man can't decide if he should quit peacefully or expose the toxicity.
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‘I quit’: Employee informs boss that general manager is selling expired food to customers, then quits and gets hired for 63k a year in managerial role

‘I quit’: Employee informs boss that general manager is selling expired food to customers, then quits and gets hired for 63k a year in managerial role

The restaurant industry is unpredictable, and there is always a high turnover rate. Employees come and go, to and fro, to here and there. Not all managers know how to successfully navigate the trenches of employment. In this case, a manager flipped out at OP for ‘telling on them’, AKA for informing upper management about the fact this boss was selling $1,000 worth of expired food to customers at a restaurant. Moreover, OP was informed that they were going to be paid on a certain day, but that p…
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'You couldn’t tack a couple of 0’s on my salary for me to agree to that': Employee is told by boomer manager to be on-call 24/7, calls BS

'You couldn’t tack a couple of 0’s on my salary for me to agree to that': Employee is told by boomer manager to be on-call 24/7, calls BS

Work culture is changing, slowly. However, the boom mentality of putting work above anything else in your live is still somehow clinging on to some companies. OP has been working at this job as a a personal care attendant supervisor for about a month now but has come to a the frightening realization that this job is 24/7. When he interviewed for the job he was told that it was not 24/7, however you will be expected to be on call at least once a week. OP has worked these kinds of jobs before and…
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‘I want him fired': Boss attempts to fire employee following employee's refusal to answer work calls on weekend, HR flips the script and orders boss to give employee company phone

‘I want him fired': Boss attempts to fire employee following employee's refusal to answer work calls on weekend, HR flips the script and orders boss to give employee company phone

Many companies expect their employees to be on the clock 24/7, and that can be at the expense of their personal time; it's no wonder so many employees feel bitter towards their boss. OP was working at a small factory where he had the managerial role of logistics and purchasing. Now, anyone who has had to deal with trucking brokers will know that the road isn't always exactly smooth. Sometimes it can get pretty bumpy, and that can result in a lot of phone calls for a manager. OP was receiving so…
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malicious compliance terrible-bosses funny story revenge military petty revenge military-story Horrible Bosses army funny-military-stories air force - 20502789

'He spent the next week driving around in his ice-cold vehicle': Air Force mechanic gets even with Army sergeant with ice-cold revenge

Hopefully, this sergeant will thaw out his attitude before the next time he asks for a favor from someone he has been treating like absolute garbage. It's really not that hard to be nice to someone—or at least decent—and deciding to hate them for a petty tribalist reason, like being a fan of a rival sports team or a member of another branch of the military, is downright insane. It's the kind of thing that works ok as a low-budget melodrama TV show plot or between two kids on the playground—but…
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workplace-stories firing in-the-workplace fired toxic-workplace workplace-story terrible-bosses tales-from-the-workplace i quit quit arrested workplace Horrible Bosses quitting - 20489221

'I quit and they tried to get me arrested!': Boss tries to saddle worker with $30,000 theft after they fire them while working the store alone

Quitting a job is stressful and can lead your imagination to anticipate a myriad of possible terrible outcomes. The worst case scenario would probably be your current boss being secret best friends with your new one, prompting them to call your new boss and tell them not to hire you before firing you on the spot. Yes, it's unlikely can happen while working in small towns and close-knit industries—or when you're leaving a company to work for their major supplier. Still, despite wild imagination,…
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pro revenge workplace-stories terrible-bosses revenge revenge-stories websites client nuclear revenge petty revenge story website developers employment - 20503045

'Say goodbye to your business, house and reputation': Client refuses to pay developer for the website they built, developer pulls the thread holding the client's life together

Have you ever had a pesky stray string poking out of your new shirt or cardigan? It looks harmless enough—just a stray bit of material that accidentally got left over from the manufacturing process. Except, when you go to pull at it, its significance and integrity are suddenly revealed, leaving you looking the fool—with a bit of string in your hand and a gaping hole in your new shirt. That's a great metaphor for what happens when a cheat and a liar finally cross paths with the wrong target and…
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‘I contacted the BSA, which led to the company’s demise': Boss refuses to pay employee for labor, employee contacts BSA as revenge, leading to company's financial destruction

‘I contacted the BSA, which led to the company’s demise': Boss refuses to pay employee for labor, employee contacts BSA as revenge, leading to company's financial destruction

Every company is, and rightfully should be, afraid of the alliance of software publishers, otherwise known as the ‘BSA’. Their job is to properly enforce licensing, and they do so with pure vigor. This boss did not take a fed-up ‘employee’ into account when he refused to pay him his wages. The employee in question ran a small IT consulting company of his own and was convinced into doing a job for a software company his friend worked for. This is where the ‘boss’ came into play. OP did the work,…
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‘My car was hit by your car, I'm just stating the facts': Entitled executive hits employee's car; denial leads to petty revenge

‘My car was hit by your car, I'm just stating the facts': Entitled executive hits employee's car; denial leads to petty revenge

Liars get on everybody's nerves, there is just something so frustrating about it, especially when you know the truth of the matter. When you hit someone's car in a parking lot, it's completely appropriate that the other person demands you provide your insurance information. It's even the law. But some folk didn't get the memo, such as this entitled executive. Yep, a coworker hit u/ohhgrrl's car, and blatantly denied it to her face. Where she gets the nerve, I don't know. In any case, OP was rig…
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‘I took my first chance at revenge’ : Entitled boss applies for new job, ex-employee sabotages his efforts following tyrannical reign

‘I took my first chance at revenge’ : Entitled boss applies for new job, ex-employee sabotages his efforts following tyrannical reign

One might be less inclined to leave a good review about your work skills if they are close to non-existent, or if you acted horribly towards them. Some will take it even further, and make sure to ruin a hypothetical future you might have at a new company. The point is, if you're managing people, be a good person. Otherwise, you might end up like this guy, who lost an incredible job opportunity because of an ex-employee's grudge. After a long, tyrannical reign, this disrespectful human being of…
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'She fired me because I wouldn't give her my baby' : Terrible boss fires pregnant employee after she refuses to give away her baby, employee calls EEOC as revenge, boss gets fired

'She fired me because I wouldn't give her my baby' : Terrible boss fires pregnant employee after she refuses to give away her baby, employee calls EEOC as revenge, boss gets fired

Remember that episode on Friends, when Rachel lied to Joey about her boss wanting to ‘buy her baby’? This story has a similar plotline, except it's real. This particular boss began as OP's 'friend’ when OP was pregnant, alone, and stuck in a rut. The woman was offering OP an apartment (in a property she managed) and a job when she had neither. It was a no-brainer, and OP became her tenant and employee. Unfortunately, the woman was taking advantage of OP, and expected her to ‘give her her baby’.…
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'Firing me for exposing the company's illegal activities was also illegal, so instead she raged at me' : Employee maliciously complies with terrible manager, calls IT after finding error in system, resulting in fines amounting to $30,000

'Firing me for exposing the company's illegal activities was also illegal, so instead she raged at me' : Employee maliciously complies with terrible manager, calls IT after finding error in system, resulting in fines amounting to $30,000

Companies often cheap out on buying software, instead opting to download a pirated version for free. If this were to come to light, the fines would be hefty, but a lot of companies get away with it. This one did not. An employee with no prior office experience was hired as a processor for a mortgage company. Her boss was extremely dismissive, as she looked down on her for having no experience. Her pride cost the company $30,000 in fines. What happened was the following: An unknown error popped…
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‘From now on, you punch in your work hours!’ : New manager attempts to deduce hardworking employee's salary, employee maliciously complies, leading to 30% raise due to overtime pay

‘From now on, you punch in your work hours!’ : New manager attempts to deduce hardworking employee's salary, employee maliciously complies, leading to 30% raise due to overtime pay

New management always finds a way to demotivate workers, usually via micromanagement, but in this case, the opposite is true. There are countries where labor laws are a dime a dozen, and in this specific one, employees have a certain amount of hours required to work each month; every hour short of that is deducted from monthly payment, and every hour beyond is paid as overtime. This employee used that to his advantage when his new boss decided to mess with him, attempting to deduce his salary b…
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'Save £80 on flight cost? No problem, pay £1000 instead' : Employee plays petty game of malicious compliance with incompetent boss who attempts to cut travel costs on work trip

'Save £80 on flight cost? No problem, pay £1000 instead' : Employee plays petty game of malicious compliance with incompetent boss who attempts to cut travel costs on work trip

Put incompetent management and a travel budget in the same room, and this will be the result. This man's company wanted to save £80 on a work trip he had to go on, and being one of the biggest security companies in the world, they could have easily absorbed the cost, no question. But alas, someone in the head office wanted to talk a big game, and look good, possibly to get that promotion they so dearly desired. So they looked at cutting travel costs and changed OP's flight. Apparently, this per…
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