
'I gave him an instant zero': Student pays for service to write school paper, gets immediately flunked

'I gave him an instant zero': Student pays for service to write school paper, gets immediately flunked

'[He built] a shed on the head teacher's parking space': 15+ Pranksters who outdid themselves with their best pranks ever

'[He built] a shed on the head teacher's parking space': 15+ Pranksters who outdid themselves with their best pranks ever

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'It cost his parents £50... [so] he was in trouble': Fast food employee gets payback against a band of disrespectful teens by 'accidentally' throwing away a prized possession

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'I'm done giving her handouts if she's gonna act entitled': Spoiled daughter makes fun of the poor girl at school, gets all of her privileges revoked

'Don't you have to dodge tiny stars on your way to the moon?': 30+ Smarty-pants people who thought they knew everything

'Don't you have to dodge tiny stars on your way to the moon?': 30+ Smarty-pants people who thought they knew everything, but were actually comically misinformed

'Three-day suspension if anyone sang Gwen Stefani's "Sweet Escape"': 30+ Rules that schools and workplaces insisted on

'Three-day suspension if anyone sang Gwen Stefani's "Sweet Escape"': 30+ Foolish rules that schools and workplaces insisted on

'Wearing a sweater draped over your shoulders like a tiny cape': 25 Fashion trends from different generations that are universally panned

'Wearing a sweater draped over your shoulders like a tiny cape': 25 Fashion trends from different generations that are universally panned

'Ahh canoeing, the true test of love': 20+ People who overheard conversations in public

'Ahh canoeing, the true test of love': 20+ People who overheard hilarious snippets of conversations in public

'[I had] them cut off service to her phone... in the middle of an argument': 20+ People who created ingenious methods of petty pay back

'[I had] them cut off service to her phone... in the middle of an argument': 20+ People who created ingenious methods of petty pay back

'My essay doesn't need any citations because my opinions are fact': 35+ Teachers who taught know it all students

'My essay doesn't need any citations because my opinions are fact': 35+ Teachers who taught pretentious know-it-all students

'Somebody has an idea: What if we do an "anti prank"?': High school seniors plan anticlimactic pranks to fool their teachers, news stations report on the school's reaction

'Somebody has an idea: What if we do an "anti prank"?': High school seniors plan anticlimactic pranks to fool their teachers, news stations report on the school's reaction

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Neighborhood Gardener Gets Even With the Corner-Cutting Teen Trampling Her Garden, Using a Freshly Laid Manure Trap

'Just like that, I was unemployed': Game store exec fires employee for refusing to sell his teenage son a video game

'Just like that, I was unemployed': Game store exec fires employee for refusing to sell his teenage son a video game

'[I] got a $3 gift card to Sonic': 20+ Partiers who attended the worst soirées ever

'[I] got a $3 gift card to Sonic': 20+ Partiers who attended the worst soirées ever

'I can still access the account': Social media manager keeps 'working' after being replaced by unpaid teenager

'They may have fired me, but I can still access the account': Social media manager keeps 'working' after being replaced by unpaid teenager

'Phil Collins sang like every fourth song on the radio': 30 Memes that only Gen Xers will understand

'Phil Collins sang like every fourth song on the radio': 30 Memes that only Gen Xers will understand