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'I can’t believe you did that behind your bosses back': Manager fires two teenagers, gets fired by head manager after "taking initiative"

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Aunt demands 13-year-old niece's $500 backpack, one of 50 that she owns, starting rift in the family: '[She] thinks I'm being selfish'

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'This whole situation is messy': Houseguest who overstayed her welcome "makes a scene" with garden contractors, sibling kicks her out

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'I went as Calvin and Hobbes... everyone thought I was Siegfried and Roy': 20+ Scarily awkward Halloween costume mixups

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'The neighbors complain that I might break their fence': 13-year-old snowboarder lets entitled neighbor "speak to the landowner," neighbor's plan backfires

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Mother and stepfather try to force 16-year-old to take his half and step-siblings to the waterpark with his grandparents: 'She's worried the other kids will feel left out'

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'My boss wanted me to train my replacement, but I didn't work there anymore': 16-year-old employee gets back at retail boss who unfairly suspended them

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'He was notorious for not listening to students': Teacher uses "unspoken rule" to get back at students, one student involves parents and embarrasses teacher

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Step-mother won't drive 12 and 13-year-old step-daughters to dance class 50 minutes away, painting her as the villain, she wonders if she's wrong: 'Their mom's negativity changed how they treat me'

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42-year-old mother upset that 18-year-old daughter won't be her "emotional support" at family gatherings: '[She] said I’m being selfish'

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'I didn't send him an email reminding him homework was due': 20+ Clueless college kids who baffled the other students

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16-year-old daughter wonders why she's not "celebrated" Mother tells her it's because she doesn't do anything: '[She] did not take it well'

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'He had to re-stack half the woodpile': Teenager finds the worst way to stack a wood pile to get back at father

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'Watching them scramble... was the most hilarious thing': Rideshare driver scares teenagers into fleeing her car

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'Hugh is a bully': Teenage girl humiliates her balding brother-in-law as retaliation for constantly saying she's 'gained weight'

'My dad served my detention': Parents refuse to sign teenager's detention slip, tell administrators their kid "had 0 control" over the situation

'My dad served my detention': Parents refuse to sign teenager's detention slip, tell administrators their kid "had 0 control" over the situation