
family drama Family feud wedding Weddings wedding drama brother siblings sibling rivalry

16-year-old daughter wonders why she's not "celebrated" Mother tells her it's because she doesn't do anything: '[She] did not take it well'

‘She's [not an]… Emotional Support Person': Divorced co-parents argue over whether or not their daughter should attend a Halloween party that her step-sister wasn't invited to, father puts his foot down and lets her go

‘She's [not an]… Emotional Support Person': Divorced co-parents argue over whether or not their daughter should attend a Halloween party that her step-sister wasn't invited to, father puts his foot down and lets her go

Entitled 18-year-old and Karen Mom keep kicking airplane passenger's seat during the whole flight, he gets even when it's time to deplane: 'Patience is a virtue'

Entitled 18-year-old and Karen Mom keep kicking airplane passenger's seat during the whole flight, he gets even when it's time to deplane: 'Patience is a virtue'

 wood logs teenagers teens raising teens parents of teens malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit malicious compliance reddit

'He had to re-stack half the woodpile': Teenager finds the worst way to stack a wood pile to get back at father

 customer service malicious compliance milk teenagers customers malicious-compliance-reddit ice cream malicious compliance reddit milkshake work workplace Jobs job coworkers workplace-stories

'[I] watched him storm out the door': Teenager makes entitled customer's milkshake exactly how he wants it

 teens work stories uber teenagers work lyft seats cars driving workplace rides

'Watching them scramble... was the most hilarious thing': Rideshare driver scares teenagers into fleeing her car

humiliate humiliation drama bald balding fat weight teen teenager teens teenagers girl brother sister in-laws family drama insane story aita

'Hugh is a bully': Teenage girl humiliates her balding brother-in-law as retaliation for constantly saying she's 'gained weight'

'My dad served my detention': Parents refuse to sign teenager's detention slip, tell administrators their kid "had 0 control" over the situation

'My dad served my detention': Parents refuse to sign teenager's detention slip, tell administrators their kid "had 0 control" over the situation

childcare Babies teens aita infant kids teenagers moms parenting dad cute kids pregnant reddit thread parent

Woman asks her biological son to stop calling her "mom" causing rift and diving online readers: 'It feels disrespectful...'

splitting the check bill restaurant meal meals mothers day family feud parent parents parenting childless child children teenagers sister sisters drama mom moms

Parasite older sisters try to ‘split the dinner bill evenly’ even though they brought 4 teenaged kids along, childless sibling refuses: ‘[I’m not] obligated to pay for THEIR children'

'We're praying for you but you're fired': 17-year-old gets fired from first job for not personally calling in sick after getting admitted to the hospital

'We're praying for you but you're fired': 17-year-old gets fired from first job for not personally calling in sick after getting admitted to the hospital

family family feud family drama Babies cute kids children dad Parenting Fail kids moms teens Parenting FAILS parents parent parenting Reddit pregnant teenagers infant raising kids childcare aita reddit thread - 36065285

Couple names first 4 children after children's grandparents balks at naming the fifth after step-grandma causing rift in the family: '[I] never ever considered calling her mom'

'Sorry man, can't let you in': Movie theater employee gets to stop annoying teens from buying tickets

'Sorry man, can't let you in': Movie theater employee gets to stop annoying teens from buying tickets

'I quit. The look on his face was pure horror': 17-year-old leaves a huge mess at work for the chef that's antagonizing them

'I quit. The look on his face was pure horror': 17-year-old leaves a huge mess at work for the chef that's antagonizing them

18-year-old files report against parents for opening multiple credit cards in his name: 'It turns out I owe over $15,000'

18-year-old files report against parents for opening multiple credit cards in his name: 'It turns out I owe over $15,000'

Stepdad hides 17-year-old stepdaughter's passport to exclude her from family trip, wife discovers truth and loses it: 'I screamed my head off at him then canceled the whole trip'

Stepdad hides 17-year-old stepdaughter's passport to exclude her from family trip, wife discovers truth and loses it: 'I screamed my head off at him then canceled the whole trip'