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Shake Off Your Winter Blues By Watching One Guy Use a Drone to Skimboard Through Beautiful Hawaiian Waves

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The Holidays are for "Quality Family Time," Right Baby Boomers?

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Tech War of the Day: Apple Sees Samsung's Explosions, Raises Them a Burning iPhone

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Where Are They Now: The Guy Behind AOL's Iconic Voice Might Just Be Your Uber Driver

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A Fun Way to Find Out Who to Unfriend on Facebook

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These Days Modern Witches Don't Have to Do Much to Lure Kids In

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Is It Possible to Change a Lightbulb with a Drone? Sure, But Only if You're Willing to Lose a Few Lightbulbs

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If Self-Driving Cars are the Future, How Far Are We to Having the Roads Full of Them?

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The Future is Being Able to Live-Tweet an 11-Hour Struggle of Getting Your Kettle onto Your WiFi

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No Need to Bring Your Galaxy Note 7 to a Burger King, They Can Flame Broil Themselves

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This Dude Made a Fully Functional Real Life Fallout Power Fist, and We Need It

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Just Wait Until This Beautifully Balancing Robot is Allowed to Complete in the Olympics

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Amazon, Facebook's Best Salesman (Even Better Than That Craig and His List)

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Can You Call Me to Make Sure Though?

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The Good, the Bad, and the Memes of Apple's Emojitional iOS 10 Update

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Next Time You Think About Rejecting an Unknown FaceTime Call, You Could Be Rejecting a New Friendship