
technology Tech science drones bath tub win flying - 359942

Flying Bathtub Drone Gives New Meaning to Cleaner Air Travel

Elon Musk gets people everywhere excited on Twitter about flamethrowers.

Elon Musk Sets Twitter Ablaze With Flamethrower Updates

People react on Twitter to Apple's, What's A Computer commercial with rage.

Internet's Triggered Over Apple's Commercial About Computers Going Extinct

Alt-right Nazi conspiracy theorist gets exposed trying to cheat using a dating app.

Alt-Right Nazi Conspiracy Theorist Exposed Trying To Cheat Using Dating App

People react on Twitter to the news that Apple's been intentionally slowing down iPhones with updates.

Internet's Furious After iPhone Conspiracy Ends Up Being True

technology apple steve jobs Video - 327174

Newly Uncovered Footage Shows One Characteristic Steve Jobs Looked For At Apple

Guy uses Nest security camera and Amazon echo to troll his friend crashing at his place in most hilarious way possible.

Guy Tweets Epic Story About Using Nest Security Camera To Troll His Friend To Oblivion

Guy goes on ridiculous rant about why printers are ridiculous pieces of technology.

Guy Goes On Crazy Rant About Why Printers Are Archaic Pieces Of Technology

Funny moments from the Tinder dating app.

23 Crazy Tinder Moments That'll Kill Your Faith In Humanity

Video of a drunk guy struggling to use iPhone captures the struggle of making it through a Monday.

Drunk Guy Failing To Use iPhone Captures The Struggle Of Surviving A Monday

People are scared after Amazon's announcement about delivery drivers being allowed into people's home.

Twitter's Horrified After Amazon's Announcement About Delivery Drivers Being Allowed Into Your Home

Guy has terrible time trying to get help from Microsoft Virtual Assistant due to horrible Artificial Intelligence.

Horrible Microsoft Virtual Agent Assistant Takes Guy on Rage-Inducing Rollercoaster of a Conversation

The Drone Was Too Much For Her To Handle!

18 Year Old Entrepreneur Asks Businessman For Advice and Gets Sexually Propositioned Instead

18 Year Old Entrepreneur Asks Businessman For Advice and Gets Sexually Propositioned Instead

Tiny but significant inventions that definitely made the world a better place.

10+ Tiny But Significant Inventions That Definitely Made the World a Better Place

Woman has an insanely cluttered desktop screen that is driving people insane on Twitter.

Woman's Ridiculously Cluttered Desktop Is Driving the Internet Wild