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Tumblr User Derails Our Idea Of The World's Most Advanced Transportation System

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18 Quick and Easy Ways to Mess with People's Minds

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23 Victorious Times Applicants Hit Their Job Interviews Out Of The Park

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13 Angry Tumblr Users React To The News That Article 13 Passed

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10 Ridiculous Tinder Users That Will Make You Groan In Despair Over Modern Dating

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19 Interesting Facts to Make You Feel Smarter for a Second

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Two Lads Try To Debunk Toaster Timer Myth And Get Humbled

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Patient IT Worker Helps Customer Figure Out The Idiotic Reason Her Computer Won’t Work

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Embarrassed High School Student's Vulgar Technology Fail Scores Him 8 Detentions


Thoughtful Girl Lives To Regret Signing Her Boyfriend Up For Tinder To Boost His Self-Esteem

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10 Spicy Twitter Users, Troll Millennial Stereotypes With Hilarious, Hypothetical Commandments

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Alarmingly Informative Twitter Thread Breaks Down How Much Facebook And Google Know About You

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Grateful Kid's Computer Saves His Life In The Most Clutch Move Of 2019


10 Times Tinder Proved Itself To Be A Magnet For Immaturity And Bold Pickup Lines

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25+ Made-Up Facts That Are Way Too Convincing