
People share their frivolous first world problems

People Share Their Most Frivolous First World Problems

Twitter users are bonding over having "dirty names" and trying to enter them into login info.

People With Dirty Names Bond Over The Struggle

Twitter users share the things about life that kids can no longer do, and no longer have to do.

Twitter Users Share The Things Kids These Days Can't Do

People's inner trypophobia gets triggered by Apple's iPhone 11 design.

Apple's iPhone 11 Design Triggers People's Inner Trypophobia

A choosing beggar leaves a bad review and gets a response from the owner.

Choosing Beggar Leaves Idiotic One Star Review, Store Owner Fires Back with Justified Condemnation

crazy wtf technology helicopter weird Video - 99033345

R/C Helicopter's Crazy Air Maneuvers Look Like A Pissed Off Dragonfly

Woman's Facebook post about old ladies who don't know how to use the internet to make their Facebook profile photos goes viral.

Old Ladies Who Don't Understand How Facebook Bios Work

Technology fails from twitter.

24 of 'Internet of Sh*t's' Technological Fails That Make Reality Seem Like a Crappy Dystopia

cool cool accessories technology awesome drones Video - 98864897

Controlling An RC Car Inside A Cylindrical Drone

scary encounter with facial recognition at the airport

Traveler's Experience With Facial Recognition Is Both Unsurprising And Deeply Terrifying

scammer technology prank ridiculous Video win - 98820097

Guy Pranks Tech Support Scammers With A JC Denton Deus Ex Soundboard

IT employee takes revenge on his bad boss and his henchman by getting them to sign off on his vacation, and then quitting and leaving with the source code.

IT Guy Takes Revenge On Greedy New Boss By Quitting Job And Taking Source Code With Him

story about a hipster misidentifying himself in a stock photo

Site Runs Article About How Hipsters Look Alike, Man Mistakenly Complains to Them for Using His Image

embarrassing parents, parents referring to their child's dogs as grand kids

27 People Share the Funny and Embarrassing Things Their Parents Text Them

technology facebook social media interview Mark Zuckerberg - 98449409

Mark Zuckerberg Saying People Own Their Information And That He Won't Sell It

story about social media influencer monster bride

Influencer Bridezilla Is An Absolute Entitled Nightmare