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'After putting 2 fake positions on I finally started getting interviews': Woman explains how she broke into tech with a fake resume

It's a rough and tough world out there job searching. Even entry level jobs are requiring experience, which, like… Doesn't that defeat the purpose of it being an entry level job?? We constantly hear “this generation just doesn't want to work anymore!” But that is simply not true. People are constantly desperate for jobs, but companies are either not paying enough, asking too much of employee, or both. So what are you even supposed to do at this point? How in tarnation can you get the dream job…
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‘It’s Just So F-up Up. I Work So Hard for $15/Hour’ : Drama Ensues After Jealous Sister in Law Cries and Makes Scene When Her Brother’s Fiancé Shares Her Salary

‘It’s Just So F-ed Up. I Work So Hard for $15/Hour’ : Drama Ensues After Jealous Sister in Law Cries and Makes Scene When Her Brother’s Fiancé Shares Her Salary

Too much information or nah?
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Woman Gets Laid off and Looks Happier Than Ever, Revisits Video of Her Crying Over Work and Laughs at Herself

Woman Gets Laid off and Looks Happier Than Ever, Revisits Video of Her Crying Over Work and Laughs at Herself

“I realized pretty quickly that maybe [getting laid off] was the best thing to ever happen to me.”
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