

ok boomer hilarious tantrum mocking toddler kids parenting baby boomers boomers entitled funny karen parents - 36980229

'The cashier looked at me and we were both trying not to laugh': 2-year-old hilariously mocks Boomer throwing a tantrum at the grocery store

While waiting in line at the grocery store, this dad and his 2-year-old son found themselves in the middle of a wild scene. Right in front of them, a Boomer was having a total meltdown over his apple juice, waving around a half-full gallon jug and loudly complaining to the poor cashier that it tasted awful. As the entitled Boomer went on and on, the toddler started to imitate him. Not quite old enough to speak, the kid still nailed the Boomer's whiny voice, causing nearby shoppers to stifle the…
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tantrum parking space entitlement drama passenger karens in the wild boomers entitled family Reddit karen parking entitled people - 36218373

'I [lost] my cool': Entitled and able-bodied Karen throws tantrum over car snagging handicap parking spot, ignoring that she dropped off handicap passenger at the door

Usually, when someone parks in a handicapped spot, you don't question them. In fact, there are many people with invisible disabilities out there, so even if someone is being really selfish and snagging the handicap spot for themselves, you don't question it. Unless you're this Karen. A family pulled into a parking lot and took the first handicapped spot they saw. As soon as they parked, an angry Karen in the handicapped spot across the way immediately got out of her car and started telling...
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boss tantrum workplace-stories jobs tantrums job bosses work coworkers Meltdown workplace - 26160389

'My coworkers have talked about "the cabinet incident"': 20+ Workers who had memorable meltdowns

Deep breaths everyone, deep breaths. Sometimes that's all you can do when The Circumstances happen to you in the workplace. The higher your stress level is at work, the sooner you'll snap, as these ex-employees know all too well. On the r/AskReddit subreddit, u/Flaxmoore was curious about the “most legendary work meltdown” people had ever witnessed. There were more than 7,000 responses with stories from numerous different industries. There were a fair amount of stories from the call center sect…
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deserved payback petty revenge customer service karen kevin customers tantrum sassy funny impolite call center workplace worker employee working job company

Customer throws a tantrum then a witty call center employee shuts them up by treating them like a toddler: 'Could I talk to your mommy or daddy?'

Most of us try our best to be polite at work, but sometimes those silly, childish customers have a bit of sass coming for them.
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'It's not the first time he's done this': Man throws temper tantrum at AAA after they cancel his 26-year membership

'It's not the first time he's done this': Man throws temper tantrum at AAA after they cancel his 26-year membership

This person came by to “forgive” some employees who made him mad, but then he started yelling at them instead. In an odd video posted by u/galaxystars1, a bystander is filming inside of a AAA as a (former) customer flips out. There are two sides to every story, and we only see a small segment of what happened here. But as the upset customer says, he had a 26-year-long membership with AAA, and the company cancelled it. Though they don't say why, someone mentions that this dude shows up often to…
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toddler tantrum pilot plane flying flight airline airplane flying travel traveling traveling-with-kids kid kids parent parents parenting win wholesome heartwarming faith-in-humanity

'All crying stopped': Wholesome airplane pilot saves a woman's toddler from having a meltdown on a flight, restoring faith in humanity

Sometimes humans can be bros. It's not very often that we meet genuinely amazing strangers out in public, but sometimes, in the most wholesome moments, our faith in humanity is restored. Usually we don't expect those moments when we're anywhere near our local airport, but apparently people can surprise us.
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reddit thread bakery cake pregnant entitled entitled-people parents parenting toddler tantrum last aita

'I ordered first': Guy buys the last cake in the bakery for his pregnant wife; gets accosted by a mother behind him in line for 'stealing the last cake' from her child

After purchasing the last cake on the shelf for his pregnant wife, this guy swiftly served up a slice of real life– with a side of frosting.
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coffee shop instant karma tantrum Starbucks mobile order coffee karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 22517765

'You don't get to just waltz in here and take that. I don't care if it is your drink': Entitled Karen throws a tantrum over a mobile coffee order, tries to make customer wait in line

If you enjoy reading stories about entitled people who think the world revolves around them, then you're going to want to stick around for this story. So, a woman goes to pick up her Starbucks coffee after ordering through the app, only to be forcefully confronted by a Karen who gets infuriated when she sees that people who ordered online get their drinks before her.
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hair tantrum salon hair style stylist hair cut wedding tantrums malicious compliance - 22166021

'We all had a bit of a chuckle at her tantrum': Hair salon tells woman she can't bring friends with her, woman cancels her own wedding hair appointment

These salon workers have a long wait list, so they can afford to pick and choose which customers they'll serve. I wish more businesses were run this way. As u/MissAcedia shared, she works at a day spa that is very busy. Due to their long wait list of customers wanting a nice hair cut or day at the spa, their days are packed full. So when customers act up or get upset about scheduling issues, it's no problem for the OP to take them out of her calendar. After all, if you provide a great service,…
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Cops stop driver for traffic violation, he tears up his own cash

'You're gonna...make this even worse for yourself?': Cops stop driver for traffic violation, driver tears up his own cash

This guy had an interesting reaction to being pulled over by police . As police officers approached this dude's vehicle, they informed him that he was about to get a ticket. The price of the ticket is a mere $10, which is probably the cheapest ticket I've ever heard of. But nevertheless, this guy began to freak out, all while the passenger next to him stares ahead in silence. There's no amount of cash that's worth tearing up for this reason. However, the driver justifies the decision by insisti…
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‘No takesies backsies’: College roommate installs a stripper pole in the living room, throws a tantrum when other roomies opt for a traditional furniture setup instead

‘No takesies backsies’: College roommate installs a stripper pole in the living room, refuses to move it for normal furniture

Dealing with a roommate can sometimes be the most difficult part of navigating college life. On top of that, you're constantly battling internal struggles like taking the right classes for your major, eating enough dinner before hitting the bars, and the tried and true favorite– grappling with the daily pressures of putting a stripper pole in your living room.
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hotel customer service shuts down a male karen

'Yeah, that's not really respectful': Hotel receptionist expertly shutdowns a male Karen customer throwing a tantrum

“Proof that the customer clearly is not always right. 🙌”
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Male Karen throws tantrum for having to show his ID

Male Karen Refuses to Show ID and Makes a Scene at Target

At this point, we need to come up with a definitive male Karen name! They're spreading like a pandemic.
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boss demands room be cleared, everything gets stripped out of it

Boss Has Tantrum And Demands Room Cleared, Gets His Wish

It's what he wanted.
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husband doesn't like spicy food and ruins wife's birthday

Husband Can't Handle Spicy Food, Makes Scene, Ruins Wife's Birthday

There are better ways to deal with this.
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boyfriend tantrum annoying lol ridiculous vegan food - 16197125

Boyfriend Throws Tantrum Over Vegan Cake At Vegan's Birthday

If you go to the birthday party of your vegan girlfriend, and her friend, a professional vegan baker, is bringing a cake, you don't exactly have a lot of leg to stand on when you don't like the cake. Also, it's fine to not like the cake. But even if you had regular birthday cake that sucked, you probably wouldn't act out about it like this dude did. Also, how does this guy not like Oreos? For some more food drama, here's the dude who organized a beef wellington dinner just to have some of the g…
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