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'[I] called someone out for their lie': Couple calls agency with bogus claim, call center rep shuts down their lies

This woman told a whopper of a lie, but she wasn't expecting to be called out . Customers learn their behaviors by reinforcement. While it might seem obvious to you to be pleasant to the person on the other end of a phone call , not everyone acts that way. Some folks have been conditioned to believe that the louder and more demanding they act towards customer service reps, the faster their problem will be solved. In reality, as call center workers will tell you, this is almost never the case. M…
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'That's what she wants to have': Customer wants to pay more money for smaller cell phone plan

'That's what she wants to have': Customer insists on paying more money for smaller cell phone plan after refusing to listen to customer service rep

As a sales person, this employee still has to field a lot of customer service calls . Due to a mix up with the phone systems' phrasing, lots of confused customers get sent to u/d**nknife's phone line. They shared one story of a customer who just could not understand what they were paying for on their phone plan . I guess the customer isn't always right after all. If you've ever talked to someone who's worked a customer service phone operator job, they'll tell you that it takes some strategy. Th…
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