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'I woke up in combat mode': Teenager gets zonked on anesthesia after getting their wisdom teeth removed, hilarity ensues

'We were all left stunned': Doctor refuses to page cardiac team for patient with heart palpitations, warns patient not to leave ward; so patient complies and calls team from hospital bed

'We were all left stunned': Doctor refuses to page cardiac team for patient with heart palpitations, warns patient not to leave ward; so patient complies and calls team from hospital bed

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'I cost my surgeon her job': Heroic surgeon hooks it up for a desperate patient, committing insurance fraud to save their family $30,000

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'Her mother had a fit': Caring father stands up for his daughter when superstitious mother refuses to pay for their child's life changing surgery because it's scheduled on her own birthday

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'AITA for going to work while my wife was having her appendix out?' Wife accuses husband of abandoning her, internet reacts

'Would you save your sick cat or your homeless sister?': Malicious Redditor pays for life-saving surgery for her senior cat instead of bailing her estranged sister out of failed investments

'Would you save your sick cat or your homeless sister?': Malicious Redditor pays for life-saving surgery for her senior cat instead of bailing her estranged sister out of failed investments

Funny things people said under anesthesia | neeeeerrrrrddddd 6.9k points 7 hours ago most memorable funny one guy who sat bolt upright, mime rolling cigarette and tuck behind his ear "saving ron asked he doing. Anaesthesia can be wild trip kids will always scream they wake up

Things People Said Under Anesthesia

funny things people said waking up from anesthesia | iletthe12dogsout 6.5k points 10 hours ago 2 3 got my wisdom teeth out nurse trying wake up and said okay s time open eyes. Can open eyes said Say pleee-eease She said please very nicely, and opened my mouth as wide as could

Wild Things People Said While Waking from Anesthesia

Girl complains about her looks so her boyfriend suggests makeup or surgery | AITA suggesting my girlfriend she start wearing makeup again? Asshole My (24M) girlfriend "Maya 26F) is most beautiful woman on Earth, literally perfect top bottom. She drafted by really big modeling agency LA while were college met) and she made an unbelievable amount money, enough pay off all her student loans and buy us house also have 1yo son.

Girlfriend Complains About Looks, Man Suggests Surgery

weird things people have said under anesthesia

35 Hilarious Things People Said Under Anesthesia

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Triumphant FB Post Combats Moronic Alternative Health Advice

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30 Completely Unrelated but Super Interesting Facts

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Girl Deeply Regrets Her Botched Lip Surgery

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10 Of The Craziest Things People Have Said Under Anesthesia

Insane Stories From People Who Endured Long Stays In the Hospital

20 Insane Stories From People Who Endured Long Stays In the Hospital

Video of gray-haired hospital patient on Ketamine, having hilarious and unusual reaction to ankle surgery.

Guy Deep Down the Ketamine Hole Has the Crazy Surgery Reaction of the Year

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