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Colleague Enthusiastically Denies Covering an Entitled Mom's Shift After She Tries to Guilt-Trip Them, Claiming They Don't ‘Have a Life’ Anyway

Doesn't work like that, lady
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work lunch bill split coworkers coworker manager petty revenge money pay broke intern new hire working workplace coworker-stories stories workplace reddit thread

‘I ordered 2 appetizers and 2 main dishes': Broke intern over-orders at the work lunches to prove a point about splitting the bill evenly, coworkers get the memo after weeks of paying $40+ for someone else's food

Match their energy
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karen customer karens entitled crazy cashier manager managers complaint corporate retail worker boss ceo job business company front desk

'Hun, I'm trying to help you': Karen tries to get a retail employee fired for calling her 'hun', instead managers praise their all-star employee for maintaining excellent customer service

If you've ever worked in retail, you've probably fantasized about telling off a customer.
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petty revenge reddit coworker coworkers pediatrician doctor funny lol work workplace employee employees trash talking job ceo business reddit-thread lol

'Now she won't be able to go [on vacation]': Pediatrician gets revenge on her trash-talking coworker by requesting competitive days off that she knew her coworker wanted

This bad-mouthing Betty might think twice before disrespecting anyone in the workplace
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work work-memes memes meme funny humor work-humor workplace employee employees break on-break monday mondays relatable job boss manager company job

A Coffee Cup Full of 26 Work Memes to Get Burnt Out Employees Through Another Month of Mondays

Memes to help you procrastinate looking at those 'urgent' emails
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boss worker employee manager job work coworkers working ceo employees supervisor workplace company coworker business - 36737797

'Don't sing Happy Birthday to me: Steamrolling employee intentionally embarrasses her coworker, gets put in her place and publicly shamed by HR

We all have that ONE coworker… you know, the one who likes to push everyone's buttons, gets on everyone's nerves and seems like they intentionally dance on a razor's edge over HR technicalities. They're entitled as heckin' heck and it's as if their agenda and opinions are the only ones that matter in the workplace. I like to call this type of person an ‘extroverted steamroller’.
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toxic boss bosses manager supervisor retreat working work work-event mandatory meeting coworker workers employee employees quit quits quitting company job benefits labor day

'Your loss 'bro'': Boss guilt trips an all-star employee after he's decidedly absent for a last-minute weekend work retreat, guy quits the next day after lining up a better job opportunity

The gaul to schedule a quasi-mandatory work event on Labor Day weekend is insane
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commute work from home working job company hr boss bosses manager supervisor good-boss employee employees wholesome work-story reddit

'Good boss and a good human being': All-star employee commutes 4 hours to work, until her boss battles HR for months to advocate for her to work remote full time

Fighting the good fight
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unemployment work workplace coworkers quit fired employee employees boss bosses manager shady job working skincare spa health revenge pro-revenge reddit thread

Vigilante esthetician gets wrongfully fired and then shuts down her nefarious boss, prompting over $100,000 in losses and a criminal record: ‘[He was] impersonating a doctor!’

Dr. Shadypants
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reddit work antiwork working workplace lunch lunch-break break breaks union coworker employee employees boss bosses manager management upper ceo job business company

Hypocritical upper management punishes an employee for getting takeout food on his break even though they spotted him while seated at the same restaurant: ‘I want the EXACT violation in writing’

"Put those union dues to work"
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pay paycheck money hiring hire new-hire money wages wage work workplace coworker recruiter employee employees boss bosses manager managers supervisor job company business

'No one wants to work for $10 an hour': Out-of-touch boss refuses to pay new hires more than $10/hr, throws a fit when nobody responds to their job listings

Truthfully, the excitement of your first paycheck wears off pretty quickly…
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quit quitting resign resignation 2-weeks 2-week-notice work workplace employee employees boss bosses manager managers job ceo company business pay

'Thanks, but no thanks': Long-standing employee resigns after being refused a reasonable raise, then the company insults him with ‘too little, too late’

Finally, a greedy company gets what they deserve!
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raise pay paycheck salary money wfh overtime after-hours work working job jobs workplace work-from-home funny story employee employees boss manager micromanager company

'I cannot stop laughing': Employee gets a 5% raise after watching movies on their work laptop, management monitoring their activity thinks they're working OT for free

Work smarter, not harder
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assembly-line factory worker employee boss bosses supervisor proof karma job loss business company workplace stories story

‘He had to eat a huge loss’: Supervisor belittles an assembly line worker for proof-reading orders, ends up taking a 5x loss of product when his own mistake goes unchecked

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work workplace stories story working manager malicious compliance reddit employee factory manager boss worker ceo suit attire clothes photo

Factory workers denounce the 'Wall of Shame' in the workplace, showing up for mandatory headshots in CEO attire: 'I barely held in [my] laughter'

Ice cold in your penguin suit
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satisfying quit quitting i-quit resign resignation job work employee working company boss manager raise pay paycheck salary salary-increase reddit antiwork

Cornerstone Employee Resigns After Their 'No-Show' Boss Refuses to Give Them a $1 Raise, Company Set to Lose Over $7k in Profit Within the First Week

This hardworking employee used their jilted past to fuel a resignation fire that would burn down the entire company, taking this lazybones, absentee boss with it.
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