stupid people

FAILS FAIL funny stories askreddit stupid people dumb genius funny fails dumbest stupid - 25798917

30 People share the stupidest things they ever witnessed : 'I saw a woman ditch her stroller with the child inside because a bee was flying nearby'

'If there are adult diapers, why aren't there adult strollers?': 25+ unintelligent thoughts people actually said out loud

'If there are adult diapers, why aren't there adult strollers?': 25+ unintelligent thoughts people actually said out loud

FAILS humor list face palm askreddit stupid people comedy dumb Reddit funny stupid - 21170181

'I don't have an e-mail, I have a gmail': Top 20 foolish things people said with 100% conviction

'Could you fax us some paper for the fax machine?': 25+ Times coworkers asked odd questions

'Could you fax us some paper for the fax machine?': 25 Times coworkers asked utterly clueless questions

‘Welcome to the Loonies Playground’ : Top Tone-Deaf LinkedIn Lunatics

‘Welcome to the Loonies Playground’ : Top Tone-Deaf LinkedIn Lunatics

‘Welcome to the Loonies Playground’ : Top 20 Funniest Tone-Deaf LinkedIn Lunatics

‘Welcome to the Loonies Playground’ : Top 20 Funniest Tone-Deaf LinkedIn Lunatics

idiotic, the worst, dumb, stupid, idiots, dumb people, online, internet, reddit, lol, incorrect

Painfully Idiotic Memes That Remind You That Confidence Certainly Does Not Equate to Intelligence

‘Did You Block Me?’ : Best Dating App Fails of the Week for the Tired Crowd

‘Did You Block Me?’ : Best Dating App Fails of the Week for the Tired Crowd

'Any Race Except British' : 20 Best Dating App Fails of the Week

'Any Race Except British' : 20 Best Dating App Fails of the Week

‘Did You Block Me?’ : Best Dating App Fails of the Year 2022

‘Did You Block Me?’ : Best Dating App Fails of the Year 2022

Stupid Fails: 20+ idiotic things people genuinely believed once upon a time

Stupid Fails: 20+ idiotic things people genuinely believed once upon a time

I have to pay to print personal stuff at work? so do you, boss

'She said nothing but looked really uncomfortable': Worker craftily exposes boss's stupid fraudulent print fee, makes them pay big time

Painfully Idiotic Memes to Remind You That Confidence Doesn't Always Equate to Intelligence

Painfully Idiotic Memes to Remind You That Confidence Doesn't Always Equate to Intelligence

26 stupid people meme images | thumbnail left " Are you going to class tomorrow 100.4 Read 11:20 PM Does that mean you're pregnant or not" thumbnail right "Automotive parking light - OUR (1OST VALUABLE RESOURCE SITS 63 FEETAHEAD. JON OUR TEAM ON THE ROAD TO SUCCESS, THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS. hattertracking rem SHAFFER TRUCKING "

Delightful Series Of Stupid People Doing What They Do Best (Being Stupid)

stupid funny facepalm moments

Facepalm Moments Of Profound Dumbitude

Story of a guy who didn't work at Walmart but got "fired" by a manager | r/IDontWorkHereLady Posted by u/mfstevenson1 12 hours ago got fired walmart and never worked there Obligatory on mobile, sorry about any formatting issues! About year ago worked selling solar panel systems. This job required wear khakis and blue polo meeting customers. One particular day, after meeting with homeowner had stop by my local walmart get more pens and notepad my work bag.

Guy Who Didn't Work at Walmart Fired by Walmart Manager

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