
student problems

‘Sweet sweet victory’: Housemate settles score with cheapskate roommate who refuses to pay the bills by filling up the entire house with bubbles

‘Sweet sweet victory’: Housemate settles score with cheapskate roommate who refuses to pay the bills by filling up the entire house with bubbles

Sometimes the best retaliation comes from the need for playful bantering, not from anger. The story that follows is an account of a frustrated roommate. The Original Poster (OP) lives in an apartment with two housemates. Since OP and the other tenants are all students, they occasionally have to live on a tight budget. That being said, OP was more than happy to shoulder the responsibility when needed, having recognized that each tenant had a unique capacity to contribute. The tenants got along,…
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workplace-stories professor student university toxic-workplace workplace-story students college students teachers teacher Professors workplace student problems teacher-stories Terrible Teacher college student - 20214277

'Oh I’m not allowed to clean up early? Have it your way': University TA schools professor over unreasonable demand

Sometimes the student becomes the teacher—and sometimes, the student-teacher becomes the teacher of the teacher-student. Funny how life works like that, isn't it? The moral here is that you shouldn't ever assume that you know everything just because you're in charge; in fact, you'd do best to assume the opposite… A great leader is constantly learning themselves—after all, everyone has something to teach you—and identifying and utilizing other people's strengths is how you build a successful tea…
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