

'Have fun failing the final': Dedicated student gets petty revenge on classmate who demands their notes

'Have fun failing the final': Dedicated student gets petty revenge on classmate who demands their notes

This student is getting really fed up with their classmate's annoying habit. The student, u/chewy200, is in that awkward position of being the person who gives notes to their classmate . They always take plenty of notes on the lesson (oh, and they regularly show up to class, which their classmate can't seem to do either). They shared that their classmate isn't very appreciative of the work they do, either. But how does one get out of sharing notes? After all, they already have to be in the clas…
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'I'm sure the damage was 10's of thousands': College kids get payback on a greedy landlord who wrongfully kept their deposit money by befriending the new tenants and trashing the house

'I'm sure the damage was 10's of thousands': College kids get payback on a greedy landlord who wrongfully kept their deposit money by befriending the new tenants and trashing the house

Don't mess with college kids–what they lack in financial resources, they make up for in social alliances.
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'At the age of 11 I received a speeding ticket... on my bike': 20+ Nonsensical reasons people got in big trouble

'At the age of 11 I received a speeding ticket... on my bike': 20+ Nonsensical reasons people got in big trouble

I think everyone has at least one time they got in trouble for reasons that completely baffled them. As a kid, you put a lot of trust and faith in your teachers and parents . So when your favorite third-grade teacher suddenly punishes an 8-year-old you for doing something ordinary, it's quite confusing. It startles you and makes you question authority. Although the reasons make no sense to the kids involved, maybe the adults in the room are just having a bad day. Especially when the person is a…
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family etiquette students student graduation reddit story family drama aita reddit thread amitheahole - 26041349

18-year-old daughter changes name without telling parents, Mom and Step-Dad learn at her graduation: 'I never wanted to be his kid'

Names are a personal thing… A personal thing that you traditionally have no control over—yet that defines your life before it even begins… and forms the basis of how others shape their understanding of you. It's understandable why we need them. The whole thing just makes sense and would be a little confusing if we didn't have ways of categorizing and referring to one another—even in the simplest means of communication… Imagine a world without names where you had no way of identifying who a mess…
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teacher teachers student students library librarian librarians mean karen karens karenish reddit petty revenge reddit-thread

Teacher sticks up for a star student by unleashing her rambunctious classroom on a control-freak librarian: 'Complete chaos [erupted]'

Some teachers have your back
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college student students college-student parking parking-permit permit broke ticket campus tickets petty revenge reddit win university

'Never paid a cent': Witty student calls the university's bluff, breaking the parking permit system by refusing to pay for tickets

Parking permits are a scam in college. Schools know that broke students are barely scraping together enough pocket change to eat instant noodles every night, so why not squeeze out an extra $300 per semester to allow them to park on campus? Clearly, it's a luxury to park your car half a league from your classroom, but not one that every student can afford.
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‘My friend was mad at me, but he never asked again’: Sixth-grader maliciously complies with class showoff's request

‘My friend was mad at me, but he never asked again’: Sixth-grader maliciously complies with class showoff's request

This class clown kept bothering another student until the kid finally agreed to help out. Unfortunately for the class clown, things didn’t work out exactly how he’d planned. Having a jokester in the class is tons of fun for everyone except one person: the teacher. While the class is giggling at the prankster’s antics, the teacher has to try and keep order. This kid was apparently the type to make loud inappropriate noises in the middle of the lesson, a surefire way to get the whole class off tr…
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college student students professor Professors student teacher teaching university college student problems aita - 24245765

'I am, in fact, a customer': University student calls out their professor for providing "bad service" after receiving an unfair grade

While it's probably a controversial take, the argument stands with strong reason: If you're a landlord or a professor or in any other position where someone is paying you for something you're providing them… you're providing a service, and the person paying you is entitled to good service. Far too many of these "service providers" not only regard this as unnecessary but also regard themselves as above the person paying them and use this to placate their nagging conscience. Who hasn't had a land…
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reddit aita college college-fund pay money tuition loans loan student students university single-mom mom parent parents parenting spoiled aita reddit

Single Mom Gives $2,000/per Semester to Her Spoiled Daughter's College Tuition, Girl Complains ‘[Mom] Should Be Paying More’

College is expensive, yet it's widely believed that to be a successful (employed) adult, you need a degree. As if a little piece of paper with fancy script and the name of the overpriced university you attended is going to prove that you're responsible. In our next story, one college girl proves that there are a lot of life lessons and privileges that are completely ignored during your college years– especially if you're an entitled brat.
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school student students revenge group projects petty revenge project - 24128005

'A blank slide showed up on the screen': Student exposes their lazy group project partner in front of the entire school

Group projects are the worst. Let's face it, no one has ever been a part of one and had a good time… except for the people who are getting a passing grade without doing any of the work. Even then, are those people really enjoying themselves? Or are they just suffering through life like the rest of us? I've mentioned this a few times in the past, but the most brutal experience I ever had with a group project was also at the culmination of my university experience. My final project partially cons…
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teacher teachers student students phd story advisor school studying deserves burn roast roasted lol funny payback nickname meeting reddit reddit-thread tifu

'Frankly, he's a clown': Good-for-nothing PhD supervisor gets called out when his student reveals his secret nickname

Teachers are the compass by which students can find their way through the vast seas of human knowledge. If you're lucky, your teacher is a trustworthy guide and can help you discover every corner of our universe. But sometimes, your assigned teacher is a total dud who can hardly point due north.
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'We stuck... 25k plastic forks in the football field':25 Students who pulled off impressive senior pranks on their teachers and administrators

'We stuck... 25k plastic forks in the football field': 25 Students who pulled off impressive senior pranks on their teachers and administrators

When it comes to pranks, I'm a big fan of the students who pranked a teacher with a strict phone policy. Apparently, this teacher had a policy that if a student's phone rang during class, the kid had to answer it on speak phone, in front of every other student. So one day, a girl decides to prank this teacher. Someone calls her during class, and she answers, and on speakerphone, the voice clarifies they're from a “pregnancy resource center. " The person on the phone cheerfully tells the student…
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pro revenge student petty-revenge-reddit students revenge revenge-stories group projects petty revenge group revenge-stories-reddit - 23330053

'I made her fail': Student tells of getting paired with her tormentor for a group project, makes sure she fails

There are definitely some (many) parables out there that teach us that we should always seek to rise above the actions of our tormenters, taking the high road and killing them with kindness rather than sinking to their level. Still, you'll often find that the reality in life is that this isn't always an option, and your tormenters won't give you any space to choose any other path than the one that has been provided to you. And, the one that has been provided to you (often of their own making) b…
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student students malicious compliance teachers teacher malicious compliance reddit college student - 23183109

'I hate standardized tests': Teacher helps her students pass by defying standardized test's rules

There's really no better thing as a kid than watching an authority figure whom you respect rebelling against the higher power that controls all of your destiny. Now, I've written a few rants on the pages of Fail Blog about standardized tests and the fact that their design and administration really only encourage schools to build their curriculum to pass that specific test—at the cost of actual learning, knowledge, and real-life experiences. The best teachers I've ever had were the ones who were…
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pro revenge student university students malicious compliance revenge college student problems group projects petty revenge group college student - 22816261

'We knew we were playing with fire': Professors fail students, students tell dean, dean fails professors

There's always a bigger fish when it comes to the chain of command; if someone tells you they have the biggest and brassiest bells, you can almost guarantee they're still answering to someone whose bells are bigger and brassy-er. Still, people like to pretend that they're in charge and wield whatever power they have with impunity, and they certainly don't like being reminded that they do, in fact, answer to a higher power—especially when that reminder comes from some upstart students who are su…
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student university students malicious compliance revenge-stories college students petty revenge malicious compliance reddit college student - 22764037

'I used my meal plan to feed over 120 less fortunate people': College student gets back at uptight university and their scamming meal system by feeding the less fortunate

Student meal halls are a pretty strange aspect of the university experience; while they're not really a scam, they're obviously designed to take advantage of students' funds suspiciously like one—as if you weren't paying enough already. See, usually, you have to pay a set amount at the start of each semester based on how much you think you'll spend at the student dining hall. Usually, this will come in the form of paying real money onto your student card in exchange for fake credits or some oth…
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