

creations that are skillfully made but weird and bad taste | road map carpet inside a car | porta potties stacked on top of each other and wrapped in Christmas lights

Impressive Creations Of Questionable Taste

Yeah, no, it's uh... good.
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People describe the strangest things that happened to them that escape logic. | That_Weird_Girl_107 7h 1 Award hit patch black ice dark going 60mph down highway. At time drove 1 ton cargo van hit guard rail and flipped. Not only did walk away without scratch car drivable and only 30 min late work.

Strangest Occurrences People Can't Logically Explain

Some days are weirder than others.
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stories of weird things people saw night shift | thrown12212020 Used work night shift at 24 hour Walmart. Customers are nuts enough daytime, but they become WEIRD after midnight. Once had an elderly guy come wearing only jean jacket and fishnet stockings. He came up my register, leaned and asked if carried anything get rid lice Those plastic barriers all stores have now protect cashiers? They need keep those even after pandemic ends lost count times customers

Creepy And Strange Things People Saw Working Night Shift

If the night shift is anything, it shouldn't be memorable.
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funny dolphin tumblr thread | just-shower-thoughts kind dick move create animals require air, then confine them freaking ocean water-based-introspection Follow If are talking about dolphins they used be wolf like creatures due scarcity food they had hunt water so they slowly evolved into water mammals, dolphins still have claw bones but they are unnecessary and dolphins will get rid them with time and will develop abilities breath under water (This also partially applies whales)

Quick Tumblr Thread On How Dolphins Started

"I've had enough of this whole land thing."
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A collection of AskReddit replies to the weirdest things about America that Americans don't realize are weird | Endless_intermission toilets are full water Australia water is much lower. No wonder complain about splashes on bum.

The Weirdest Things About America

Too much water in the toilets!
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Optical illusions created by weird perspective | old woman walking in the street in front of a chimney letting out smoke appearing as if her own head is dissolving into smoke. flying object above a group of people and cars on a riverbank

Real Life Optical Illusions and Double-Takery

Perspective is a deceptive mistress.
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Strange and unlikely moments that felt like a glitch | posted by Stockero1 walking my dog and almost driveway looked down some reason and looked back up and ended up being back at road about 6 blocks away where thought so confused but my dog looked completely fine.

Real-Life Glitches People Experienced

Sometimes things don't make sense.
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weird things people saw in other people's homes | minervasbiscuittin 16.7k points 12 hours ago O 2 e 3 6 edited 3 hours ago Back my teenage babysitting days regularly watched three kids whose parents kept one those ENORMOUS packages hot dogs out on kitchen counter. Everyone household would just wander by and grab room-temperature hot dog as snack whenever they felt like babysat them 2-3 times per week over year and never not saw those hot dogs wonder about them all time.

Weird Stuff People Saw In People's Houses

Everyone has a different idea of "normal."
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Extremely Specific and Overly Vague Shirts

There's a shirt for every occasion.
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Weird perspective and confusing illusions | amazing jungle valley or weathered fence post top? reflective tissue box placed in a corner in a way that makes it appear transparent

Strange Illusions Caused By Weird Perspective

Your eyes might be wrong.
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funny memes and stories of kids being stupid and weird | Told Abby this is where she can put her letters Santa. So she gathered her toy letters and put them Santa. fetters SANTA felld SA | Robert McNees @mcnees Recently told 8yo she should always replace toilet paper runs out. Just found this bathroom. 3:18 PM 11/29/20 Twitter iPhone 74 Retweets 4 Quote Tweets 979 Likes

Evidence that Kids Are Weird and Stupid People

They're just not good at being people.
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weird crimes people and their families did | crashkg 34.4k points 22 hours ago 2 4 3 2 E 3 My Dad brought Banana tree US his home village Kerala. He literally walked through customs with tree pot his arms customs lady asked him he thinking and he just replied banana tree his mother's garden customs lady must have thought my dad crazy, but she just let him walk right through still have tree and 's offspring.

Weird Crimes People and Their Families Did

Don't do crime.
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funny interesting observations | u/pyro925 Pavlov probably thought about feeding his dogs every time someone rang bell

Shower Thoughts That Dispensed Insightful Wisdom

Bring on the insight.
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People describe the weirdest things they noticed about foreign countries. | Elbatcho 17h wasn't prepared hot water would smell Iceland. Because comes being heated geothermically smells like sulfur. Showering first time little bit shock.

Weirdest Things Tourists Noticed About Foreign Countries

The world's an endlessly strange place.
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Images of warped perspective that make people double take | photo taken at the perfect timing Buddha statue holding an airplane | carpet pattern that makes the floor look uneven

Confusing Images to Inspire Some Double Takes

It's like eye exercise!
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weird stories and creepy moments | violentorifice Standing outside convenient store saw two different cars park (about minute or so apart) and go store obvious two didn't know each other atleast seemed After shopping, they each left other's car still can't explain today without going down CIA conspiracy route

Strange And Unexplainable Things People Saw

Oooohhh spooky.
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