

Tumblr thread on dungeons and dragons campaign | thouartathaumaturgeharry O battlecrazed-axe-mage forgamers They should make co- op game where and buddy go through many levels, leveling up and beating bosses But final boss is each other were my brother Player 2 | crunchthedeerstroyer one time did campaign DND where entire party woke up trash heap, memories wiped man shining white armor approached them. He helped them up, healed them, and helped them escape essentially dump and find their way

Tumblr Thread: Inspired DND Campaign Is a Feels Trip

Critical hit in the feelings.
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Mom traps black widow and babies escape | r/tifu Posted by u/Psalms143-6 TIFU by hatching nest hundreds baby BLACK WIDOW SPIDERS my bedroom This did, essentially, happen today couple weeks ago my 5 year old daughter found black widow mom and her egg sack. She wanted look at so very carefully scooped up into jar, twisted on top and went around with duct tape good measure. She begged let them hatch so she could watch them, and this seemed be decent science homeschooling, after which

Mom Lets Black Widows Hatch, They Escape

Oh no.
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Entitled influencer's obsessed dad gets involved in contest and ruins project | Posted by u/EstamelTharchon 3 days ago an obsessed parent can lose biggest client Long told this story all my friends, and suppose 's time share with developer at an $agency. Our biggest client at time bank. Apparently, banks our area have huge hard-on raffles, giveaways, and similar marketing tricks get new accounts opened. Better yet, they are constantly trying one-up each other, which is great marketing/developer

Entitled Influencer's Dad Disputes Contest, Ruins Entire Project

Great work, guy.
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guy in armor looks like manager for bad customer | Posted by u/KnightOfAMicroNation 13 hours ago 2, 2 4 E6 3 6 8 8 Guy armor? Must be charge. XXXL So bit backstory. Back 2018 this occurred had saved up quite bit money my job as shift lead food service industry. So did 17M do with money bought suit steel plate armor, helmet and all, something had always wanted do since knew knight had bought primarily wear at local Renaissance Festival, but took every opportunity put on could. And this wasn't

Guy Buys Suit of Armor, Ends Up Roleplaying as Manager

"This problem customer calls for a knight."
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Engineering company rents equipment instead of buying it and wastes tens of thousands of dollars | Posted by u/calladus 2 days ago 97 3 6 15,000 equipment is too expensive department purchase. Why don't just rent 48,000 year oc M Back days 33.6kbps modems were hot shit worked engineering department growing company. This company had started small privately owned, and VPs had all put portion their own money start company. By this time story, they were finally making respectable 30-40 million year

Management Pays Rent On Equipment, Wastes Tens of Thousands

Wonderful strategy.
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Tumblr thread about bad customers, Karen gets silenced when one customer uses tip jar. | heatherleigh02 Had baby boomer front at Dairy Queen. She INSISTED she Blizzard EXPERT and there simply NOT ENOUGH chocolate pieces her blizzard and she wanted complain whoever is charge She's going on and on with this teenager teenager is calmly explaining they make them all same etc etc procedure etc etc. But this woman is now yelling at teen.

Customer Weaponizes Tip Jar to Defeat Karen

Beaten with compassion.
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tenant won't give up parking space for handicapped woman | r/AmItheAsshole Posted by u/itsmyparkingspot 17 hours ago 26 4 33 87 AITA refusing give my parking spot disabled woman live an apartment building comes with 1 spot parking garage. My spot is one closest elevator. 2 weeks ago apartment manager came talk and asked if would be willing give up my spot since disabled woman moving said sure would be happy switch spaces. He said misunderstood he asking give up space garage entirely

Tenant Refuses to Give Up Parking Spot for Disabled Lady

That's an awkward one.
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Story of a guy who didn't work at Walmart but got "fired" by a manager | r/IDontWorkHereLady Posted by u/mfstevenson1 12 hours ago got fired walmart and never worked there Obligatory on mobile, sorry about any formatting issues! About year ago worked selling solar panel systems. This job required wear khakis and blue polo meeting customers. One particular day, after meeting with homeowner had stop by my local walmart get more pens and notepad my work bag.

Guy Who Didn't Work at Walmart Fired by Walmart Manager

So no harm done?
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mother in law rejects new grand kids, leaving them out of family photo album | Posted by u/Aita9190773 1 day ago O 2 3 e18 S 16 E 40 AITA walking out with my girls my MIL excluded them family photo album? Not hole 36-mother two girls (9/5 met my now fiance (38) 2.5 years ago. He's good man, Treats my girls well and loves them. future mother law is generous lady truth be told. His family are respectful and helpful visit them lot. After got engaged pretty much considered this my extended family.

Mother-In-Law Excludes Step-Grandkids From Family Photo Album

And here comes the drama.
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tumblr thread on plague village that isolated itself | -even-is-thiss keep hate-reading plague literature medieval era, but as depressed as makes there is always one historical tidbit makes feel little bittersweet and like revisit s story village Eyam even-is-thiss Eyam today is teeny tiny town less than thousand people has barely grown since 1665 its population around 800. Where story starts with Eyam is August 1665 village tailor and his assistant discovered bolt cloth they had bought London

Tumblr Thread: The Plague Village That Pulled a Bro Move

Well that's a solid.
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Entitled manipulative son cancels mom's job interview and tries to sell her house so he can live rent free at college | Posted by u/Aita333645__ AITA kicking my son out my house after he cancelled my job interview? Not hole Please hear out first single mom (45 20 year old son (Chris) Chris is college. He studies engineering. Being single mom at young age not easy Despite everything been through. Despite my own family giving up on made sure my son got life he deserves

Manipulative Son Tries To Sell Mom's House, Cancels Her Job Interview

Whoa buddy that's a lot to unpack.
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Guy gets revenge on stealing roommate with a USB trap | Think can steal my stuff and get away with Good luck studying exams with broken laptop Back my first year college used live residence on campus with 3 other dudes. Two them were cool (shout out Bdawg and Al) but third named David had nasty habit taking things weren't his and mysteriously forgetting objects had fallen into his possession.

Student Gets Back at Thieving Roommate with Booby Trap USB

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Weird Al Wholesome childhood story | "Weird Al" Yankovic O 4m 12 years old 9th grade younger than my classmates, and (as may possibly be able imagine) pretty awkward, shy and nerdy. And had crush on Patrice Y girl who sat directly front math class (because seats were all arranged alphabetical order some arbitrary reason course, Patrice would never million years have suspected had crush on her, because like explained. painfully shy. But one day decided would make my big move decided draw picture

Weird Al Tells A Wholesome Life Story

Weird Al is the greatest.
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bad boss wants to not pay employee, employee quits | u/Sherlock_DaVinci Not qualified promotion, then just do my job oc M Edit: Which TLDR at end few years ago worked furniture stored back store. My job consisted unloading and loading trucks, assembling furniture and placing on main floor store. After around 6 months there, my supervisor announced he resigned meaning his post up grabs had all technical requirements so applied, but they gave job another one my colleagues

Boss Expects Work Without Pay, Gets What He Pays For

Great plan, dude.
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Guy gets manager fired because he knows the rules | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by PunkThug There an attempt fire malicious compliance. Long-time lurker first time poster. Apologize being on mobile s very long story, and TL;DR at bottom

Manager Tries to Fire Guy for Following The Rules, It Backfires

It helps to know the guidelines.
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Horrible Karen mistakes random person for employee | r/IDontWorkHerelLady Posted by ComedianXMI Karen vs Retail Veteran Someone my friend group keyed on this lovely sub after they had good laugh at some my stories. Over years grown loathe people who treat retail employees like garbage, and go out my way make fool them. So share one story now

Karen Mistakes Nametagged Dude for Employee, He Rolls With It

The mighty hubris of another horrible customer comes crashing down. For whatever reason, some customers really hold onto that "customer is always right" approach even when they're told that that they're not actually talking to an employee. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/IDontWorkHereLady subreddit by u/ComedianXMI, who shared his encounter with a Karen in a grocery store after he was done with his shift at work. The woman saw his name tag and assumed he worked there. After he politely cor…
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