

'She had an absolute meltdown': Flatmate moves out of state with college roommate's wallet stashed in car, then tosses wallet into trash

'She had an absolute meltdown': Flatmate moves out of state with college roommate's wallet stashed in car, then tosses wallet into trash

When faced with an arduous situation, do you cave and give in to an easy solution, or do you stand up, tough as nails, and return fire? The arduous situation in question, from OP's point of view, is that she was about to get caught stealing all the other roommates' stuff. And she had a total meltdown. But let's start from the beginning. As this story is told by u/CharmingUniversity98's point of view, we shall start there. Many years ago, back when OP was in college, they lived with 4 roommates.…
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