

funny spelling failures and mistakes

Spelling Fails That Gave Words a Hard Time

Words are challenging.
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People describe the most ridiculously spelled words that they've heard of.

Most Ridiculously Spelled Words People Have Encountered

The English language can be very strange.
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funny spelling failures and mistakes in English

Blunderous Failures of The English Language

English is hard.
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funny spelling fails

Spelling Fails That Took Their Liberties With Words

Grate work.
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funny stories of stupid tattoo mistakes | willieyobslayer Once had client call shop who crying 10 26 More hysterically because, according her had done her tattoo backwards took few minutes get her calm down point where realized she looking at mirror. She apologized and hung up.

Stupid Mistakes Tattoo Artists Witnessed

Always double check the spelling.
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kid faints during spelling bee contest but wins anyway

Kid Faints In Middle Of National Spelling Bee, Gets Up, Spells Word Right

What a champion.
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funny stupid spelling failures | These Roman Numerals bouta be good af Maruchan Instant Lunch | 4th class power engineering books excrement condition. Some Highlighting only 3 or 4 books. BOILER SAFETY

Impressively Dumb and Creative Spelling Fails

Words can mean anything you want them to!
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Dumb and bad failures of spelling | just saw my double banger on bad parenting 's double banger? someone who looks exactly like like double, because all have at least one person world looks like oh is called Doppleganger. Kev is allah cart? Lmaooo restaurant, is allah cart s la carte cement head

Regrettable and Dumb Spelling Fails

Spelling is hard.
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funny design fails and mistakes | small white toy truck with the writing "fart superior" on it | toilet paper holder so low on the wall that the paper drags on the floor

Design Failures that Deserve Some Blame

It could use an extra set of eyes.
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funny dumb spelling fails | Transformers, robots sky in disguise | This tree is dropping free grapes! They're kinda crunchy though 's fucking egg corn

Spelling Failures That Hurt a Little

Ah man.
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Employee doubles down on spelling of hamster as "Hampster" | Carol Blymire @CarolBlymire Jul 12, 2019 Replying CarolBlymire office space near client young woman meeting with her boss. She by my estimation her late 20s. Carol Blymire @CarolBlymire boss (also woman giving her feedback and reviewing edits she had made on something this young woman wrote. 5:21 PM Jul 12, 2019 1.3K 83 people are Tweeting about this Carol Blymire @CarolBlymire Jul 12, 2019 Replying CarolBlymire They had been speaking

Delusional Employee Defends Spelling of "Hampster"

Way to double down.
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funny and dumb misspellings | Inside washrooms closed tonight please use portal potties Thank you | didn't cook chicken properly before ate dumb thats literally u get sell my nana salmonella

Embarrassing Spelling Failures and Creative Misspellings

Everyone could use some proofreading.
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funny dumb spelling fails | text messages yea am fine with earth and stuff but get confused w chrome zone thing whatever Chrome zone? Chromosome?

Spelling Fails That Mangled Words Up Nice

Who needs complete thoughts anyway?
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funny misspellings and spelling fails | Maestro MPACT NYCE MAC tyme tx pulse PAY STAR need NG-THO 110/ gas recipe Please pay inside T have been wanting make my own gas while now TURN OFF ENGINE Take Receipt Here NO SMOKING

Spelling Fails that Gave Words a Hard Time

Not everyone is a person of letters.
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Dumb misspelled words and spelling fails | do want Panera Chicken Sees Her Salad always get @decentbirthday Chicken Caesar Salad? Delivered IS IS text messages texting

Spelling Fails That Make Us Wanna Empty Our Vowels

That's a special kind of misspelling.
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funny design fails in construction, products and signs | ONLY UNICS pencil case unicorn misspelling | concrete tracks above the ground floor leading to a garage door on the second floor unsafe scary wtf

Dumb Design Fails from The Lazy and Incompetent

Looks good, everyone.
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