

The Kids These Days Need a Little D.A.R.E.

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Via quiteatingdrugs

Not Cigarettes, Bro

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Via Last Time Was a Bad Time

Bro, I'm Feeling This Challenge

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Created by Unknown

Why Don't We Just Promise Not to Interrupt Each Other?

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Via Vennish
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Obama Flashed a Smile After Being Offered a Hit of Legal Marijuana

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Some People Never Really Graduate High School

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Via ShaneEnochs

We've Got a Pulitzer On Our Hands Here

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Via Reddit

Know What Your Pipe Needs? Googly Eyes.

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Need Some Fresh Air From All This PDA

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Oh Hey, Irony! Good to See You Again!

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Dem Bubbles

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Drinking and Smoking Under the Sea

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Stay Healthy My Friends

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This Anti-Smoking Technique Might be the Craziest Anyone Has Tried

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Mommy Needs More Ciggies

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Bus Ad WIN

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