
smash bros

AITA for beating my coworker's kid at super smash bros. | This is where I totally wipe the floor with the kid. Like no contest at all. He trys several different game modes and rules to try and get a win in and he takes the l every time.

'It was a little awkward': Guy dunks on 8-year-old in Super Smash Bros, wonders if he's wrong

This will be the kid's supervillain origin story. I had to share this one just because of the sheer hilarity of the picture it paints. Just some grown-ass man absolutely and mercilessly annihilating the kid and repeatedly three-stocking him —something along the lines of the Billy Madison dodgeball scene. Were the OP's actions kind of mean? Maybe— but I would argue there's a hidden benefit here: He's providing (free) valuable life lessons to the kid that now the parents won't have to teach. Lear…
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