

'If someone sent this to me, I would simply not go': Internet weighs in on couples' 15 strict rules for their wedding

'If someone sent this to me, I would simply not go': Internet weighs in on couple's 15 strict rules for their wedding

This couple wanted to send out 15 rules for their wedding. It's not a bad idea in theory, but the tone of the list, and some of the actual rules themselves, got people on the r/weddingshaming subreddit talking. There are a lot of good rules for your wedding, and most don't need to be spelled out for guests. For example, there's one rule which warns guests not to bring outside drinks… who does that? Rule #2 instructs guests not to “get in the photographer's way.” Who hurt this couple enough that…
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‘I asked her to put her feet down’: Train passenger plants their feet on another passenger's seat, refuses to take them down when confronted

‘I asked her to put her feet down’: Train passenger plants their feet on another passenger's seat, refuses to take them down when confronted

Public transit attracts all kinds of people, and a big chunk of them are the type you wish you'd never have the pleasure of encountering in your life. Imagine you are on a train, and all these people are packed on it. You've found yourself a nice window seat, and the beginning of your journey goes smoothly. Then, something unfortunate happens… Your nice, quiet seatmate leaves, and a loud, rude one sits across you instead. She begins chewing loudly, mumbling, and eventually, puts her feet on the…
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'So I just plop down in his seat': Passenger insists it 'doesn't matter' where he sits on airplane, refuses to give up seat to ticket-holding passenger

'So I just plop down in his seat': Passenger insists it 'doesn't matter' where he sits on airplane, refuses to give up seat to ticket-holding passenger

You'd think finding your seat on an airplane would be one of the easiest parts of the flight. Airlines are pretty specific about that. Unlike concerts or some movie theaters where you can sit in one general area, when you fly, you choose your own seat. For those who get plane-sick, there are window seats; for those who want to stretch their legs out and move around, there are aisle seats . No one wants the middle seats, naturally. You can't just waltz onto an aircraft and sit where ever you wan…
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Rude entitled dog sitting customer is a hypocrite | Final offer sorry about situation, but these are still my rates offering 95 less than asked CHILD don't need money single hardworking mother do even understand is business is unethical and frankly disgusting

Rude Hypocrite Wants Dog Sitter with Zero Notice

That's some impressive nerve.
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cat photoshop battle

Take a Seat and Check out This Disabled Kitty's Awesome Photoshop Battle

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They Should Call It The Sitter

Via raindogcomic

Sitting Up Can Be Terrifying

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Via Daily Picks and Flicks

Break Time!

monday thru friday construction equipment construction sitting break g rated - 8291740672
Via Izismile

Whatever Makes You Comfortable

monday thru friday sitting g rated - 8251098368
Via Izismile

Sometimes You Need a Seat More Than Your Kid Does

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Via The Chive
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Enter the Extreme World of... Freestyle Sitting?

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WIN!: Extreme Sitting WIN

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Office Swag: Sitters Get Fitter

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Via Hammacher Schlemmer (via Cubicle Bot)

Office Chair Ergonomics: An Exercise in Futility

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