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'He told me I'd have to figure it out': Teen stops driving altogether to get back at father's strict rules, dad immediately regrets it

This teen is annoyed by their Dad piling on the responsibility, and they finally found a way out of it. In some families, there are so many kids that the other siblings have to help out to care for everyone. This was quite common in the past, when families were much bigger than they are today (think 4-10 kids instead of 1 or 2). People like u/hankiepanki were responsible for caring for large families. This person reported that they were cooking and cleaning for between 8-10 people after their m…
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family families drama son father dad dads fathers sons child inheritance money lottery lottery-winnings winnings won win greedy aita reddit

'I didn't realize how greedy he was': Lottery winner tries to share their winnings of $500/day (for life) with their indignant teenage son, revokes the money after the son gets greedy

$500 per day for life? That kid could have been going places...
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'Hugh is a bully': Teenage girl humiliates her balding brother-in-law as retaliation for constantly saying she's 'gained weight'

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‘Give my baby to my sister?’: Parents pressure their pregnant daughter to give her newborn baby to her infertile twin sister, insane ultimatum shocks everyone

Infertile? There are many ways to have a son or daughter that never involve pregnancy: you can adopt, you can foster, or you can steal your sister's baby before it's ever born...
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family families family-drama drama story stories kids kid parent parents parenting siblings sibling cousins sister brother mom dad host drama thanksgiving family-party parties reddit aita

'Never overstay your welcome': Couple reverse guilt-trips their inconsiderate family when they refuse to host another messy family gathering

Once the family got a little too comfortable in their host's home, things got stickier than the kid's table mac and cheese spilled on their opulent Berber rug
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family drama sister sisters brother brothers sibling siblings drive ride work funny malicious compliance reddit thread mc lol story lesson

‘You want a ride? This is the one you’re getting': Sister takes a scenic route to teach her entitled little brother a lesson after he repeatedly demands a ride home from work

Sibling relationships can be a little complicated sometimes. There's a moment in every sibling relationship where sisterly obligation overlaps with the 'oh-heck-no' clause–and for some siblings who like to push the limits of their family's patience, this delicate dynamic can quickly descend into a hard-earned life lesson at the hands of malicious compliance.
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