

'She spent 7 years pretending we were friends': Radio show worker refuses to prep for work during free time, manager doesn't "think it was good enough"

'She spent 7 years pretending we were friends': Radio show worker refuses to prep for work during free time, manager doesn't "think it was good enough"

When one employee stated the obvious, this radio station manager was incensed. Working at a radio station seems like a really fun job. The poster of this story, u/nothingbeast, confirms that, writing that the job was great, but the people were “just terrible.” Their job involved a ton of different tasks since it was a small radio station, but since they enjoyed the work, this employee didn't mind going above and beyond. Trouble often arises when managers assume that their employees will keep up…
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'Uh-uh. No one is here is hear you sing, friend': Audience member ruins performance of Wicked by singing loudly the entire show

'Uh-uh. No one is here is hear you sing, friend': Audience member ruins performance of Wicked by singing loudly the entire show

It's time to talk about audience etiquette, or lack thereof. People's general understanding of how to behave in public gatherings has definitely gotten worse the past few years, especially when it comes to live performances. This particular public disruption happened at the Broadway musical Wicked , the long-running musical prequel to The Wizard of Oz in which the Wicked Witch of the West gets the opportunity to belt her face off for two and a half hours. Obviously, Wicked has become a cultural…
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'Can you please resend?': Theater patron repeatedly requests tickets from an automated reply email, employee sends her back plenty of replies

'Can you please resend?': Theater patron repeatedly demands tickets from an automated reply email, employee sends her back plenty of replies

E-tickets are supposed to be convenient, but for this confused customer, it was the complete opposite. Buying tickets for an event used to be a lot simpler than it is these days. I'm told that decades ago, if you wanted to get a ticket to a concert, you had to physically walk your body over to a box office and buy a ticket from another human being. Sometimes people would camp outdoors while waiting for tickets, and there were certainly people who bought tickets just to resell them. But for the…
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Coworker invites herself to Broadway show, then admits she can't afford it

'Her kids are not my responsibility': Coworker invites herself to Broadway show, then complains she can't afford it

Here's a cautionary tale about letting coworkers into your personal life. This woman wrote to r/AmItheA**hole with a question about her role in a feud with her coworker: “AITA for telling my coworker her bad decisions and her kids are not my responsibility?” As u/BroadwayThrowaway1 writes, the whole disagreement started because she was going to a Broadway show with her nine year old daughter. Broadway shows are so much fun — the bright lights, singing and dancing, and colorful costumes can be u…
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family drama aita baby school mother call performance show loud daughter mom crying children - 20786181

'Penelope hasn’t answered my calls': Daughter refuses to speak to mother after theater faux pas spoils the show

This mom is taking family participation a bit too far. This woman wrote to r/AmItheA**hole to share her story and ask for people's opinions , but she's definitely not going to like the answers she's receiving in the comments. As the OP, u/Thick-Studio-4277, shared in her post, her daughter Penelope is 12 years old, and she has a spring show that she was performing in. The OP didn't really take this show seriously, which is a big mistake on her part! Preteens take things like that very seriously…
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Woman has beer for first time after being in jail for 60 days and starts to cry.

Reality Show Participant's First Mouthful of Beer after 60 Days in Jail

This feels more heart-wrenching than it should be.
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Fan picks up Lady Gaga and falls offstage.

Fan Drops Lady Gaga During Performance

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No, No, You Sing Into the Round End

live microphone show - 5797964800

The Early Encore

FAIL show - 7746495488
Created by thurgood ( Via Highgreen Dawn )

Sweet Stack... Oh

amp concert equipment live show - 5868546816
Via Arbroath

I'm Not Sure I'd Want To Play For An Angry, Misled Audience

angry beer drinking false advertising lies show - 5672254464

Good Guy Bouncer

bouncer concert id Rage Comics show underage - 5234537216

Do the Sleeping Bag!

dance show sleeping bag wtf - 4753719552

Sitting and Enjoying the Show

drunk Party show vomit - 4738429696


Awkward Babies failboat g rated show TV tv guide wording - 4456188672
See all captions Created by heliumboy


description failboat racist show television - 4244700672
See all captions Created by Paul