
‘Y'all have definitely vindicated me’: Woman leaves $40 steak hidden in the oven to marinate and gets mad when roomie burns it by accident, internet begs roomie not to pay her back

‘Y'all have definitely vindicated me’: Woman leaves $40 steak hidden in the oven to marinate and gets mad when roomie burns it by accident, internet begs roomie not to pay her back

Man buys electric space heater to combat entitled roommate's control over the thermostat, which was leaving his room at around 30 degrees Fahrenheit

‘Lord of the thermostat’ roommate micromanages man's heating usage in their poorly-insulated apartment, so the man purchases an electric heater while roomie unknowingly fronts the bill

Messy roommate gets what she deserves when she constantly leaves her fellow roomie's bathroom a mess, so the fellow roomie teaches her a well-deserved lesson with bleach

‘Very satisfying’: Woman is fed up when roommate leaves a recurring mess in her bathroom, so she cleans the space with bleach and indirectly ruins her roommate's clothes

Man gets revenge on entitled roommates after months of them mooching off his food and throwing his groceries in the dumpster, he ends up on top

College roommates try to mooch off of man's food for months and throw his groceries in the dumpster as a ‘prank’, man returns the favor and gets their admission on tape

entitled landlord backtracks on prior payment agreement with tenant, he breaks into her apartment and dumps her stuff as a way to warn her of eviction

‘He hid my keys’: Roommate-turned-landlord dumps woman's belongings outside despite an agreed upon late rent payment agreement, her wallet is stolen as a result

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'iT's OuR mOnEy': Hardworking daughter gets her college fund robbed after graduation when her parents surprise her with a baby brother and revoke half of her college savings

Dude doesn't understand why his neighbor won't cook for him daily

'It's really pretentious of you': Oblivious entitled dude doesn't understand why his neighbor won't cook for him daily

man lies to wife about candy flavor for 13 years

Man Lies To Wife About Gummy Flavors For 13 Years, She Finds Out

win sharing Video Subway - 83212289

Sharing One Positive Story on a Subway Started the Most Positive Chain Reaction

toddler and dog caught sharing a messy snack

Two Best Friends Caught Sharing a Snack

If There Was a Pie Chart For This, It'd Be So Tasty

If There Was a Pie Chart For This, It'd Be So Tasty

The Only Dating Profile Photo You'll Need

The Only Dating Profile Photo You'll Need

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The First Time You Realize What Sharing Food Feels Like

couple, drinking, sharing, straw

Two Straws, One Assumed Cocktail

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We're Sharing!

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Does This Count as Sharing?

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